Detective Luigi 2: Dust to Dust/Transcript (2024)

Detective Luigi 2: Dust to Dust/Transcript (1)

This is the transcript for the Detective Luigi sequel, Detective Luigi 2: Dust to Dust.


LuigiFan: Stay up to date on the channel's content by ringing the bell! *ding*

*Challenger approaching, as the episode begins with Luigi hurrying to the castle for an emergency note sent by his brother*

Luigi: *rushing* I hope I'm not too late!

*The note, as sent by Mario: "Dear Luigi, meet me at the castle, and hurry! ~ Mario"*

Guard: Mr. Luigi, right this way.

R.O.B.: *in the distance* Owowowowowowow...

Luigi: Huh?

Mario: Oh, Luigi! Thank goodness you're here! If there's anyone who can solve this-a case, it's-a you!

Luigi: A-What's-a going on here?

Mario: It's-a R.O.B. He's infected with some kind of virus...

*We see R.O.B., in bed, sick*

R.O.B.: Owowowowowowowowowowowowow...

Peach: Everything's going to be just fine, R.O.B...

Luigi: Hiya R.O.B.

R.O.B.: Luigi? Long time no see...

Luigi: How're you holdin' up?

R.O.B.: Oh you know, seen better days...

Luigi: How long has he been like this?

Famicom: It just happened last night. We were shutting down for the day, and when we woke up, boom.

Luigi: Well, I'm-a no expert on the robotics, but...!! I know! *rushes out*

Mario: Wait, Luigi, where are you going?!

Luigi: I'll be right-a back! *rushes out and comes back bringing in Mega Man with him*


Luigi: *puts him down* Sorry, Mega Man, but, maybe you know more about this robot virus than-a me!

Mega Man: Well-

R.O.B.: STAY AWAY. This virus infects robots! Don't come any closer!

Mega Man: Hmmmm, these symptoms... seems to be an advanced form of... Roboenza!

Luigi: Wah!!

Mario: Oh no!

Peach: *gasps* Roboenza!?


Famicom: R.O.B. calm down it's going to be okay. Say it: "You're going to be okay".

Mega Man: Yes. Roboenza. A virus that only affects robots. Now I say it's advanced edition of Roboenza, because, there has been an outbreak before! It was stopped, well, thanks to me and Proto Man. But I don't know how there could possibly be a second outbreak!

R.O.B.: Mega Man, what do I do?

Mega Man: Stay here and get plenty of rest. And Mario and Peach, keep an eye on him, okay? He could malfunction at any time!

Famicom: Malfunction!? Oh no no no no no no no no!!

Mario: Ugh, Famicom, not you too!!

Mega Man: And Luigi?

Luigi: Huh?

Mega Man: You're coming with me, detective.

Luigi: Uh, okay! For-a-? Wah! *dragged away by Mega Man as the two are now in a room alone, away within the earshot of the others*

Mega Man: Don't want him hearing his name. But I know who caused this outbreak. Dr. Wily!

Luigi: Dr. Wahwee!?

Mega Man: That's right, Dr. Wily.

Luigi: Wahwee.

Mega Man: ... Right... come with me!

Luigi: Wha- Hey, what're we- WAH!! *The two then teleport to Dr. Wily's Skull Fortress*

*The scene transitions to Dr. Wily in his headquarters, pondering on what to do*

Dr. Wily: Hm... okay Albert, what is your-? *hears a crash* Huh!?

Mega Man: Not so fast, Dr. Wily!!

Luigi: Uggghhhh, no more teleporting, okay...?

Dr. Wily: Mega Man, what an unpleasant surprise! What business do you have in my Skull Fortress?

Mega Man: You know darn well what you did, Wily! Why'd you spread Roboenza Mark 2?!

Dr. Wily: Mega Man, you blue doofus! You're mistaken! I haven't done anything evil in the past two weeks!

Luigi: What was that evil thing?

Dr. Wily: I uh... jaywalked at a public inter-?

Mega Man: GUILTY!

Dr. Wily: AGGGHHH! *tries to run away*

Mega Man: *gives chase* Get back here, Wily!!

*The two tussle a bit, before Mega Man catches Dr. Wily*

Mega Man: I got him, Luigi!

Dr. Wily: Grrrrrr... MEGA MAN, YOU BLUE DOOFUS!! LET ME GO! *Mega Man then lets him go* Listen here, blue busboy! If I truly WAS the guilty one, would I go out of my way to infect one of my own robots?! *points to Bubble Man, sick on the operating table*

Mega Man: Bubble Man?! Ugh... shoot, uh... yeah, awkward...

Bubble Man: *weakly to Luigi* Oh hey... aren't you the guy whose... dad took over the whole Plush Kingdom with the... outbreak...? Heh, funny stuff man, funny stuff...

Luigi: I didn't find it to all to be that funny if you ask me. But... you do have the same symptoms as R.O.B.

Metal Man: If you want statistics, Bubble Man has been like this for the past two days.

Crash Man: He went to bed one night, and then all of a sudden, BOOM! Sick.

Dr. Wily: Which is why I'm desperately trying to find a cure. Even my weaker robots need to be treated well! They are my henchmen!

Quick Man: I thought we were like ya kids, doc!

Dr. Wily: Don't push it.

Quick Man: Eheheheheh, yeah, sorry boss...

Luigi: Dr. Wily.

Dr. Wily: Eh? What now?

Luigi: If you're the one that created the original Roboenza, then... did you accidentally infect some of your own robots by mistake?

Dr. Wily: Surprisingly, I did! I infected only one...

*The three robot masters gasp!*

Metal Man: Master Wily!

Quick Man: You wouldn't dare!

Crash Man: You wouldn't even think about saying his name!!

Dr. Wily: I must. He was the only one who was infected. His name? *whispers* ... Dust Man.

*Quick Man faints upon hearing the name*

Luigi: *snickers a bit* "Dust Man"? What kind of a name is "Dust Man"?!

Mega Man: He... *coughs, now infected* Was a robot master... infected with original robo... enza... and...

Luigi: Oh, Mega Man, not you too! *Mega Man groans*

Dr. Wily: I hate to say this, but, head back home to Dr. Light! Maybe Thomas will be able to find you a cure.

Mega Man: Ugh, sure... uh, yeah, thanks... *teleports out*

Luigi: Mega Man, wait! Oh...

Dr. Wily: If you desire more information on Dust Man, I would know! I happen to reprogram him after all! But currently, he resides in the Plush Kingdom's Prison.

Luigi: P-Prison!?

Dr. Wily: For performing unspeakable acts. Good luck, doomed hero.

Quick Man: Is he gone...? No more vacuuming... *faints again*

*Luigi then heads outside to make his way to the Plush Kingdom's Prison*

Luigi: I can't do this alone! Far more lives are at stake-! ... Maybe Daisy would help! Yeah! *calls up Daisy* Hello? ... A cruise!? ... Well... o-okay, Daisy. ... Th-thank you. *hangs up as he sighs* I guess I'm all alone... *turns with a determined glint in his eye* With Master Hand as my witness, I will-a solve this case!

*Transitions as Luigi has made his way to the Plush Kingdom's Prison*

Famine: Welcome to the Prison of the Plush Kingdom! I'm Fami- *sees Luigi* Hey, you're no criminal!

Luigi: No. I'd like to speak with... Dust Man. *Famine gasps!* What? W-What'd I say?

Famine: So, you wanna speak to ol' 23 Years, eh? HEY DEATH, GET IN HERE!

Death: Famine, what- *sees Luigi* Ohhhh, detective!

Luigi: Uh, hi.

Death: It's a pleasure to see you again. Got yourself on another case, ah?

Luigi: Uh, yeah, I did! But-

Death: Splendid! Right this way.

Luigi: O-Okay!

*As they make their way, they pass through some of the inmates in their cells*

Toon Link: Duuuuuuuuuuuuude...

Stupid: How'd we even get in there?

Greasy: Ah, shaddup, you idiot!

Croagunk: Hey, plumber! I've got just the right clog for you to fix! Ha ha ha!

War: *bangs on Croagunk's cell* SHUT UP!!

*Luigi steps back out of fear*

Death: Now listen: he may have been locked away for twenty three years, but he's just as intelligent now as he was then. Don't look him in the eyes, and don't answer any questions he might have for you, okay?

Luigi: Okie dokie.

Death: You have five minutes.

*Luigi then makes his way until he comes across the lone cell that is Dust Man's, the prisoner for over twenty three years...*

Luigi: ... D-Dust Man?

Dust Man: Oh! Greetings and salutations! In case we have not met before, I am Dust Man. And you?

Luigi: Ummmm, Luigi.

Dust Man: Luigi! Ohhhh yes, I know all about you! The second Mario brother, the famed detective who put a stop to Mimi! I know all about you.

Luigi: Uh- well, uh- yeah, I mean...

Dust Man: Now, what brings you to my cell?

Luigi: Well, you see, one of my friends got infected with what we believe to be Roboenza, and-

Dust Man: Ahhh, Roboenza, that name does ring a bell. I was one of the few who was actually infected. *cough* But, who's to say that your friend is infected? What if he was simply an outdated model? What then, Luigi? What then?

Luigi: Well, I don't think he would-

Dust Man: Oh, you simple-minded fool, you're simply being manipulated, can't you tell?!

Luigi: No! Why would-!?

Dust Man: Ahahahahaha! If you desire information on Roboenza Mark 2, I have what you seek.

Luigi: Oh good! What would-

Dust Man: On one condition.

Luigi: What?! Condition!? I-!

Dust Man: I want you to speak with the police about granting me a new cell. Now, I know what you might be thinking: Maybe I want a new cell to escape. But rest assured, I only want to see outside. To see the trees, the clouds, the ground, the... dirt. Why I've been crammed in here for so long I forgot what birds even look like!! ... Do you understand what I mean, Luigi?

Luigi: U-u-uh, yeah, but-

Dust Man: Speak with the police, and in exchange, I will grant you with new information.

Luigi: Okay... *as he narrates the events, we see the scenes unfold as he explains* After-a lots of explaining, I convinced the police why Dust Man needed a better cell.

Dust Man: Oh thank you, thank you so much!

War: Ah, shut up, criminal!

Croagunk: What!? He gets a better cage and I don't!?

Luigi: *narrating* Though-a hesitant, they gave into Dust Man's demand. And then, Dust Man explained about suspect number one: Crow. Now what would Crow want with infectious robots? No clue. But I'm not gonna take that chance today!

*We then transition to the Sovereign, Crow's base of operations*

Crow: *takes a deep breath* Let me tell you, Becky, a villain like me can really get his evil on in a place like this!

Becky: I wouldn't doubt it, sir, but do go on as to why your villainous senses are tingling.

Crow: Is it not obvious, Becky?! This room will be the new facility for my robot training grounds! That's where I will raise my new army of robots. A new army of robots to conquer the Plush Kingdom, and all that would stand in my way! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Luigi: *breaks in* Not so fast, Crow!

Crow: Well well well! The plumber in green! What an unpleasant surprise! As well as an uninvited guest. The only problem with that is... I HATE UNWANTED GUESTS!

Becky: Oh come on sir, this one seems pretty harmless.

Crow: Oh no Becky, don't be fooled by his charisma! This one has the power to win by doing absolutely nothing!

Luigi: *pins Crow to a wall* Cut the chirpin', bird boy, and start talking!

Crow: Trying to get answers out of me? What are you, some kind of detective?!

Luigi: As a matter of fact... I am.

Crow: Well if it's answers you want, you can get them from my cold. Mechanical. Dead. Hands.

Luigi: So be it. *takes the first hit to Crow*

*The two then engage in a fight*

Crow: Becky! The air strike!

Becky: I'm on it.

Luigi: Wah!! *dodges the bombs*

Crow: *shoots missile* Engage missile attack! *Luigi barely dodges* PUNCH! *slams the ground, though Luigi jumps on him twice* And now to stick it to ya! *launches sticky bombs, which Luigi barely dodges*

Luigi: Alright Crow, just answer me this!

Crow: Unless you beat me in combat, I say... no!

Luigi: *dodges a missile* Wah! Alright, alright! Have it your way! *stops as he sees Becky* Oh! It's-a you! Why aren't you doing anything?

Becky: Eh, not really one for getting my hands dirty.

Luigi: Then maybe you can answer my question!

Becky: Lay it on me, short stuff.

Luigi: Do you happen to know who's been causing this "Roboenza Virus"? It's been recently resurging and your boss happens to be- *sees a missile launched at him as he runs* Eep!

Crow: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh come now, Becky! You've GOT to try this! Oh, I haven't had a boss fight like this in AGES!

Luigi: *as he is being chased and passing Becky left and right* MAYBE YOU WOULD KNOW... WHY YOUR BOSS... HAS SO MANY... ROBOTS... AND IF HE'S STARTING... AN UPRISING... OF ROBOENZA!

Becky: Well yes, Crow's been starting an uprising, but it's been... hard to do so.

Luigi: Wha? And uh, why's-a that?

Becky: Here. *presses a button to showcase what's happening* Some of our recently stolen robots have not been functioning well.


Crow: Ugh, malfunction, malfunction!

*Luigi winks as he does his uppercut to sneak up on Crow, finishing him off*

Luigi: Ha, beat you at your own-a game.

Crow: Well played, plumber. Well played, indeed. And as for what Becky is saying, she is indeed correct. However, I can't start my robot uprising, when each robot I steal or create ends up being a failure, or sick, or some combination of the two!

Luigi: So you're not-a guil-

Crow: Not even close. I would make my crime well known throughout the Plush Kingdom! Rather than letting some other lackey take it from me.

Luigi: *as Crow puts a hand on his shoulder* Wah!

Crow: Believe me, Green 'Stache, I have a HISTORY of villainy that I would LOVE to show you!

Luigi: Um, I think I'm-a gonna pass on that offer, thank you.

Crow: And just recently, I recovered the ULTIMATE in robotics! ... However, the virus has made him uh... stupid.


Crow: See? He's stupid. Used to be the highest in intelligence, now resorted to an imbecile.

Luigi: Well it looks like they're both clean... Uh, A-Thank you both for your time-a! Uh, now where's the exit?

Becky: You can either take the flashy way out, through the window, or it's down the hall to your right.

Crow: Hold it!

Luigi: Huh?

Crow: If there is a suspect who I may know could cause this virus, it's none other than BECK.

Luigi: "Mighty Number No"? But, we got rid of him a long time ago-!

Crow: That might be so, but perhaps Beck has been revived, spreading his cell-energy and his incompetency amongst the world, as a proxy for a higher-ranked villain! ... That isn't yours truly.

Luigi: Thanks again, Crow! I'm-a look into it! *leaves*

Crow: Becky, back to- *sees Zero spazzing out* Will you STOP TALKING!?


Crow: Becky, the duct tape! Now!

Becky: I'm on it.

*With Luigi, he makes his way to Beck's place as he narrates*

Luigi: *narrating* Crow informed me of Beck's ability to spread cell-energy. Maybe he was spreading the virus and didn't know it. As for where he was, I didn't have to look too far, that's for sure.

Beck: Aw yeah man, das more like it! Hehe! Man, when am I gonna get a new game man? I mean am I gonna get someone to hire me?

Luigi: BECK!

Beck: Oh hey, wait a minute it's the green guy! What's up, green guy?

Luigi: Quit playing dumb, Beck!

Beck: Man, I'm not playing dumb- *grabbed by Luigi*

Luigi: You're the one spreading Roboenza Mark 2!

Beck: Wait, Roboenza? Wait, what's that? I don't even know what that is man, it's just, heh. I don't know- OH WAIT A MINUTE, wait a minute, wait a minute. Isn't dat the thing that Brand has for some reason that I dunno?

Luigi: Wha?

Beck: Well yeah man! Brandish's my bro, he got infected with somethin', it fills him something with sick, y'know? And so, I'ma just show you where he is and yeah.

Luigi: Okay...

*They go inside Beck's house, where Brandish is bed-ridden*

Beck: See? Dere he is. R-Right here. T-This is Brand.

Brandish: *coughing* Ugh, Beck... I do hope you found a cure...

Beck: Nah man, it's just this green guy who just showed up and he's all like "oh man you caused this outbreak" and I'm like "no I didn't, I-I'm just a robot man, das more like it."

Luigi: Wait a moment...

Brandish: Huh...? Ah yes, you must be Luigi...

Luigi: Have we met?

Brandish: Your brother, Stuffed Fluffed, um... many different situations, you probably... *cough* don't remember me. But, I remember you.

Luigi: Okay, uh, Brand, was it? Do you happen to know where and how you got infected?

Brandish: My blades and I have had many battles... I wouldn't doubt that's how we got infected. After I went to sleep, the next morning, I just felt... awful!

Beck: Yeah man, he speaks the truth man. I mean, why would you not, I mean, he's cool man.

Brandish: Agh, little brother, please. I think I can handle this...

Beck: Alright man, y-you do you man. ... I'll be right over here if you need me. ... Das more like it.

Luigi: Ugh, this is getting me nowhere! Um, thank you Brand. I-I-I, gotta go. Your brother's clean. *grumbles as he leaves*

Brandish: Farewell, Luigi... farewell. Do find that cure, okay...?

*Outside, Luigi is pondering his situation*

Luigi: UGH, how could I have been so STUPID!? Obviously Beck couldn't have started this, he's too dumb!! I'm running out of options though... hmmm... maybe... *gasps* I know! Maybe Dust Man might have some more information! But I better be careful when talking to him... who knows what's going through his mind? But right now he's my only option!

*Luigi makes his way to the Plush Kingdom's Prison, where he overhears War and Death chatting*

War: I don't see why we even bother with him! The only other inmate we've had that was this bad was Golisopod! And at least he was FUN. This guy makes my head spin so much my brain hurts!

Death: I didn't even know you had a brain.


Death: Hello, detective~!

War: *stops as he sits down* ... Hello. ... Hi.

Luigi: Yes, hi. I'd like to speak with Dust Man?

War: *runs off* NOPE. NOPE. NOPE.

Death: *chuckles* Nevermind him. Right this way, detective.

*Luigi is escorted to Dust Man's new cell*

Dust Man: *sighs until he sees Luigi* Ah, Luis! What a pleasant surprise! I see you're going well in your detective case, aren't you?

Luigi: Yes, hi. I've actually have a bit of a question for you, if that's okay?

Dust Man: Tsk tsk tsk, impatient, Luis. You do know my currency. I would like something in exchange for information.

Luigi: I mean sure, uh, what would you like?

Dust Man: Well, allow me to clue you in on what I once was: an artist.

Luigi: Wow! Really? An artist? Okay, that's pretty cool-

Dust Man: Yes. Drawing, sketching, sculpting, it was magnificent.

Luigi: Well, I could always speak with the police and they could probably get you some-

Dust Man: No. *chuckles* No. I want to feel the scrap metal. To feel the materials needed to sculpt. I was the marvelous sculptor in my time, until they locked me away, twenty three years... Granted, I have had materials to work with, but they were merely... food trays and toilet paper.

Luigi: Oh... I'm so sorry. I'll see what I can do, I-I-I-I'll speak with them!

Dust Man: Thank you Luis, I know I can count on you.

Luigi: It's-a Luigi, actually. But, no problem. *narrating the events* Once again, the police provided what he needed, and once again, he told me everything he knew. Surprisingly, he was really good at sculpting! And I-a never seen him so happy before! But he gave me exactly what I needed. He told me the next one on the list: Dr. Ivo Robotnik, aka, Eggman. It seemed-a so obvious that Eggman was behind it! But there was only one way to find out for myself. And that was to infiltrate the base, of the mad doctor.

*We then transition to Dr. Eggman in his lair alongside with some of his robots*

Dr. Eggman: *evil laughter* Yes, this shall work excellently! Once I have this plan down pact, I'll be the-

Luigi: *breaks in* Not so fast, Dr. Eggman!

Dr. Eggman: Ah, Luigi! ... What an unexpected surprise! I was expecting Sonic the Hedgehog!

Luigi: Quit the chitchat, Egghead! I know you're the one behind the Roboenza virus!

Dr. Eggman: Roboenza...?

Luigi: You're the only other roboticist in all of the Plush Kingdom that has an army of robots. What do you think? *as he pokes Eggman's belly*

Dr. Eggman: *bounces Luigi back with his belly* I THINK, that I've been trying to find a cure for my own robots.

Luigi: But, the energy looked so similar to yours, and-!

Dr. Eggman: "Energy"?

Luigi: For the virus that was inside of Brand, i-it looked like something you would make!

Dr. Eggman: Perhaps it's a coincidence. But rest assured, I did NOT make this virus! Day in and day out, we've been searching for a cure! But each time, we come up with nothing.

Grounder: I thought you were gonna make it!

Metal Sonic: Yeah, says the one without any hands.

Dr. Eggman: Even when trying to find the cure, some of my robots fell ill! So I do-

Coconuts: Oh there you are, Dr. Robotnik! We've got a few more cases upstairs! Come with me!

Dr. Eggman: If you'd like to come along, detective, perhaps you'll find out I'm not as guilty as you think.

Luigi: *sighs*, Alright...

*The two then make their way upstairs*

Dr. Eggman: What even made you come to this conclusion in the first place?

Luigi: Well, it was Wily. Wi-

Dr. Eggman: OHHH, that explains it! Wily would do ANYTHING to blame me! And I would do the same! But if I truly were guilty, would I do something like this?

Tails Doll: *bed-ridden and sick* Oh my god-! *coughs and hacks* Holy cra- *coughing* Oh wow, I feel like garbage... oh... hiya doc...! Who's your friend...? Nii...

Luigi: The infamous Tails Doll... even he's not safe from Roboenza!

Candy Cadet #1: Sir, twenty five of your robots are infected and counting. Candy.

Dr. Eggman: If you'll excuse me, I have to get moving. There's a cure that needs to be found.

Luigi: *sighs*... I guess he's innocent.

*Transitions to Luigi coming back to the Plush Kingdom's Prison, where Conquest was waiting for him*

Luigi: If Eggman didn't do it, who did-?! *sees Conquest*!! Chief Conquest! What're you doing here?

Conquest: I could ask you the same thing. We've been expecting you, Green Stache. Have a seat. *Luigi then proceeds to take a seat* Now look, I know you want to solve this case, believe me, I do too. But you've been spending an awful lot of time in here, detective. Heroes like you don't deserve to be crammed up in a place like this.

Luigi: Of course! I mean, I'm-a just saying that-

Conquest: Let alone spending time with The Scrapper.

Luigi: The wh- Scrapper?

Conquest: Oh right, you don't know about our top inmate, do you?

Luigi: Who? You mean Dust Man? Oh, no no, I mean, I know he's been-

Conquest: Come Luigi, let's have a talk.

Luigi: O-Okay.

Conquest: The Scrapper is an inmate you should come to never trust. Ever. He's the most manipulative, psychotic, and dangerous inmate we've ever had!

Luigi: Well I mean, I didn't see him as all that bad, I-

Conquest: Oh. You don't know the half of it.

*We then cut to a flashback explaining about Dust Man's origins, as Conquest narrates the events unfold. We cut to Dust Man working in a scrapyard, humming and collecting trash to put them in the pile and clean up*

Conquest (O.S.): Dust Man was once a robot made by Dr. Cossack, then remodified by Dr. Wily. Once he was reprogrammed again, he was sent to a scrapyard. He worked alongside other robots and he did his job relatively well. Timid, intelligent, and cautious. Dust Man was meant to suck up all the garbage, scrap metal, and spit it out in the dumpster. Everything was good for him, then one night...

*Dust Man then sees a piece of a large clump of scrap metal*

Dust Man: Oh my, what's this? This shouldn't be out and about. *sucks up the scrap metal, however, it gets stuck in his vacuum*

Conquest (O.S.): ... He got a piece of scrap metal stuck in his head...

Dust Man:!! I-It's not coming out!! *his vacuum begins to malfunction as he begins to panic* No! No!! What am I to do!? L-Looks like I don't have a choice...! I...!

Conquest (O.S.): *as he narrates the events, Dust Man forces himself to swallow the scrap* He tried to suck it down, but he couldn't. He tried to spit it out, but he couldn't do that either. So using all his energy, he had to force swallow the scrap.

Dust Man: *swallows* That wasn't too bad! I crave more... MORE! Hehehehehe!

*Dust Man eventually starts to eat everything in the scrapyard in sight*

Conquest (O.S.): And that's just what the madman did. He would find MASSIVE piles of garbage. And he would eat. He would eat, and EAT, and EAT, and eat! He ate that whole pile lickity split! And at one point that scrapyard was so clean it may as well have been a parking lot! It came to the point where he had nothing left to eat! Except...

Worker Robot: Oh! Good evening, Dust Man. *Dust Man ominously walks towards him* If I may ask, why are you walking towards me? It's quitting time, you know, and-

Dust Man: *he halts as he begins to speak* First I must ask you... what is a robot?

Worker Robot: Well I-

Dust Man: They endlessly pollute, causing this world to become nothing but scrap! And if we don't stop, the world shall be covered in scrap!

Worker Robot: Dust Man, don't be crazy! Not-

Dust Man: I plan to make this world absolutely spotless...

Worker Robot: Wonderful goal-

Dust Man: STARTING WITH YOU! *lunges at the worker robot as he lunges at him, mutilating and eating him alive*

*The scene then cuts to the Plush Police on the case, until they eventually find Dust Man eating someone... organic...*

Conquest (O.S.): Now it was bad enough he was already eating robots, but when the boys and I found him, it grew into something much, MUCH worse...

Dust Man: *he was seen eating a little polar bear until he saw the police* I'm sorry, officers, but... hehehehe... you look rather dirty! Your hands are covered in prints! Allow me to SCRUB THEM FOR YOU!

*He then engages in a fight with the Police*

Conquest (O.S.): It was also difficult to take him down! That vacuum on his head was a superweapon! We came to find out it was known as the Dust Crusher.

Conquest (flashback): Ugh...

Conquest (O.S.): A powerful vacuum that can spit anything out of it with at least ten times the force! We knew if we were going to put him down, we'd have to stop that vacuum. But thanks to Death, we were able to put him down. Ironically enough, inside of prison, he was actually friendly. Of course, after we disabled his vacuum. But once we found of his crimes, we locked him away.

*The scene then cuts back to the present time, back with Luigi and Conquest*

Conquest: Now do you understand, Luigi?

Luigi: O-O-Of course. But, I still need answers from him. I'm this close to cracking the case, and-!

Conquest: *sighs*... They never learn... If you insist, go right this way. He's been asking for you.

Luigi: What!?

Conquest: Asking for "Luis" to come and give him some "idle chitchat".

Luigi: Hold on, chief!

Conquest: I beg your pardon!?

Luigi: Dust Man has been locked away for twenty three years. How could he do anything evil at this point? He's LEARNING HIS LESSON.

Conquest: Heheheh, I wish I was as kind as you, plumber. Once a criminal, always a criminal.

*The scene then cuts to Luigi coming back to Dust Man's cell, whom is seen humming to himself as he sculpts, until he notices Luigi back*

Dust Man: *gasp*! Luis! What an unexpected surprise!

Luigi: Y-Y-Yeah, Dust Man, uh-

Dust Man: My dear friend, is something wrong?

Luigi: Oh no no no, not really, not really. N-Nothing's wrong, no. I-I-I mean other than the fact that Eggman wasn't-

Dust Man: Guilty.

Luigi: Wait, how did you know-?

Dust Man: A simple miscalculation, my friend. My apologies. But on a more important note, have you seen some of my sculptures? I called this one, "Abandoned Fratricide". Remarkable, is it not?

Luigi: I-I... I suppose, but-

Dust Man: Luis, I must say, ever since you've granted me access to my sculptures, I felt like a new robot! Ah... I can actually think for a change. My mind is slowly coming back together.

Luigi: Mind... M-! That's it!

Dust Man: Oh?

Luigi: Oh, it's nothing too big, no-nothing really.

Dust Man: Oh no, detective. I suspect something far greater. You want more evidence, don't you?

Luigi: Oh yeah! Th-that's it! Heheh! Um, yeah, what-

Dust Man: You know my policy, Luis. I require something from you.

Luigi: But, what could you need this time?

Dust Man: Music. Have you not heard that little melody I have been humming recently? I would love to hear the song again, Luis. Find a way to bring it to me, and in exchange, I will provide you the last bit of information.

Luigi: O-Okay.

Dust Man: After many hours of thinking, I can come to only one conclusion. This one will not fail.

Luigi: *narrating the events* Once again, the police provided, albeit a little more hesitant this time thanks to Conquest. Regardless, they gave Dust Man what he wanted. And like last time, he gave me exactly what I needed. This time he gave me information on someone I never even heard of before! His name? Snatcher. Now what did Snatcher wanna do with destroying robots and giving them a virus? I have no idea. But if there's anyone who's gonna get down to the bottom of this, it's-a me.

*As he explains, we are then transitioned to Luigi entering Subcon Forest*

Luigi: Well, this looks like the place a-!! WAH!!

The Snatcher: *appears out of thin air* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! FOOOOOOOOOOOL! You dare to intrude upon Subcon Forest, ah? Hahahahahaha!! Oh, well I'm in such a good mood today, it won't cost you much! Not really!

Luigi: Well I mean I don't want any trouble I-!!

The Snatcher: No no, string bean! It won't cost much; all I want is... YOUR SOUL!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Luigi: *scared as he takes some steps back, but gets himself back together* Now, you listen here-!

The Snatcher: Oho, now isn't this rich!? A little green man, one who intruded my territory if I may add, trying to speak up and be the bigger man! How cute!

Luigi: But- but- No, but, listen here! You're the one causing Roboenza Mark 2! *an awkward silence is between the two* ... Well? No response?

The Snatcher: Uggghhh... Take one good look at me, and then say that statement again!

Luigi: You're the one who caused Robo... enza... Mark... 2...?

The Snatcher: Does it look like I care about robotics?! Why would I!?

Luigi: *jumps back* Well you're not wrong, but-!

The Snatcher: But at the same time, I'm also taking a liking to that little green hat! I wonder how it would look when suited upon MY head instead!

Luigi: Now hold on! This hat's not for sale! I-!

The Snatcher: Ohohoho! FOOOOOOOOOL! You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, boy. *tosses Luigi as he laughs* You foolish boy! You have entered upon my realm now! And none are escaping from my forest, unless you hand over your SOUL!!

Luigi: Well I guess we have no choice but to fight, now-a don't we!?

The Snatcher: Ohohoho! Now this is worth a laugh! Bring. It. ON.

*The Snatcher then summons dark pillar lasers from the ground, which Luigi barely dodges with his jumps*

Luigi: Uh... thunder? *attempts a Thunderhand, but it does no effect*

The Snatcher: Oh, I'm sorry! No damage! *attacks with his pillar lasers again, which Luigi gets hit by one* Down already, are we?

Luigi: N-not even close!

The Snatcher: Such a shame you don't have your little vacuum to aid you! *Luigi continues to dodge the pillar lasers, but no idea how to attack the Snatcher* No means of attacking me, huh? Guess that means I'm INVINCIBLE!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Here, try these!! *he then summons blue vials to throw at Luigi, each one exploding, but missing* Not enough, eh? Let's try a thousand!

Luigi: Wah!! *Luigi then gets out of the way to dodge all the attacks*

The Snatcher: Okay, maybe just one. *Luigi dodges out of the way* Whoa! Hold on, that totally should've hit you! *summons another one directly above Luigi* There we go! *But Luigi gets out of the way in time* Alright, now you're starting to get on my nerves!

Luigi: Wait, why's-a one just sitting there? *kicks the lone blue vial at The Snatcher, which affects him*

The Snatcher: D... Did you just color me blue with my own attack!? ... You do know I- *he is then uppercutted by Luigi, whom deals damage to him* Ugghh... well played, greenie! Well played! But let's see you deal with-!

*Conquest then comes in the nick of time!*

Conquest: KYAAHH!!

The Snatcher: *tackled by Conquest, ending the fight* OOF!

Conquest: And THAT is where I draw the line!

Luigi: *gets back up, exhausted* Ugh... thanks, chief. I don't-

Conquest: Cut the idle chitchat, plumber. I've been meaning to catch this Snatcher for YEARS.

Death: Nice job cracking the case, detective! Second time in a row, ah? *chuckles a bit* Color me impressed. By the way, Dust Man said he wanted to see you.

Conquest: The SCRAPPER!?

The Snatcher: Even I've heard about that Scrapper, he-!

Conquest: *hits him* Shut up!

Death: He wanted to have a word with you, something about clearing his name, and about how you used a vacuum before, he is a vacuum, and... You know, he wanted to have a meal with you.

Luigi: Wait, what!? He-

The Snatcher: Hahahahahahahaha! I told you! Vacuums! The ultimate solution-!

Conquest: *hits him again* SHUT UP!!

The Snatcher: Oh sure, sure. You officers are real sticks in the mud, you know that?

Luigi: So long, Snatcher.

The Snatcher: Heheheh! I'm innocent, I tell you! Innocent! Just you wait, greenie, you'll regret it! YOU'LL REGRET IT!! FOOOOOOOOOL!

War: Shut up!

Death: Somethin' botherin' you, greenie?

Luigi: Yes. I know it feels like I did the right thing, but... a part of me says Snatcher was innocent!

Death: Don't worry about it, kid. That Snatcher's been on our list for a while, actually. Very shady character. Never had a chance to get him arrested because he's, y'know, invincible! But you found a way to beat him, so, gotta give you kudos.

Luigi: Well, thank you.

Death: Until then, detective, keep solving those cases. *heads out*

Luigi: Hmmmm...

*We then transition to Luigi entering the dining hall, where Dust Man was waiting for him*

Dust Man: Ah, Luis! At last you've made it! Congratulations on your endeavors! Please! Have a seat.

Luigi: Whoa!! O-Okay! Uh...

Dust Man: Oh no, on the other end of the table, please. The room is heavily guarded. Although this freedom is more than satisfying! I can finally breathe oxygen! Slightly filthy... *breathes in* But nice, fresh, oxygen...

Luigi: Well okay! And on that note- *gasps as he sees spaghetti laid out for him* Spaghetti!?

Dust Man: Why, it's your reward! For all of the hard work you've done!

Luigi: Well uh, thank you! But... uh, where are the officers? And, how did you know this was-a my favorite an-?!

Dust Man: The officers are currently interrogating Snatcher. Let's just say he's going to be here for quite some time.

Luigi: Are you gonna have anything?

Dust Man: Oh no, Luis. I am- I'm not hungry.

Luigi: Um, Dust Man? A question.

Dust Man: Yes my friend, anything!

Luigi: Why exactly did you want that window anyway?

Dust Man: ...The window... it let me see light. It allowed me to realize, there might have been a life outside of this cell. There could have been a chance for me. That light... is all I have left in this filthy world.

Luigi: Well, I'm sorry, but-

Dust Man: The world, and the filth within, needed to be CLEANSED, Luis! This world is filthy, absolutely filthy! All I desired was making this world CLEAN, Luis! And that's what I did. So that's why I had you find the filthiest of all... robots... delicious as they are... ... Pardon me, must not bring up the past-

Luigi: A-Actually, it's funny you bring that up, because I know how-

Dust Man: -How I'm a killer.

Luigi: *gasp*! Well, yes! But, I know you can change-!

Dust Man: Is that why I've never been released? ... Twenty three years, and counting...?

Luigi: Well I'm sure-

Dust Man: TWENTY THREE YEARS, LUIS!! I'VE BEEN LOCKED AWAY. Locked, in this cell... with no light... no air... next to nothing...! I have been eaten alive, Luis. Just remember... I exist. As a Scrapper, and as a prisoner, but... as your friend, right?

Luigi: Wait a mo- wait a moment, wait a moment... WAIT A MOMENT!!

Dust Man: Is something the matter, Luis? Is there something going about in your mind?

Luigi: Now, you may have been a scrapper and eaten other robots, but... Conquest mentioned that you ate a plush too, so-!!

Dust Man: Ah, Luis, I thought you would have seen this sooner. But I mean, if you're dining with a cannibal... *shoots at Luigi as he dodges out of the way* ...Sooner or later, you're going to get eaten yourself!

Luigi: Y-You!? H-How?! You've been in here-!!

Dust Man: Hahahahahahaha! Ahahahahahahahaha! Oh! Luis, this is a laughing riot! Do you remember Dr. Wily!?

Luigi: Well, yes, but-!

Dust Man: He was put in here for FAR WORSE. You think two weeks ago was his final crime? Oh no... he has done far, FAR worse...

*A flashback is shown as we cut to two weeks ago with the Police arresting Dr. Wily*

War: Alright sleazeball, that's enough out of you!

Dr. Wily: Why bother. I'll only escape anyway!

War: Even still!

Famine: Where's the fun in that?

*The two horsem*n laugh as Dr. Wily is tossed and locked in*

Dr. Wily: D'oh! Grrr... no matter. My robots should be breaking me out any minute!

*Dust Man looks to Wily's cell, displeased at his presence*

Headless Horseman (body): You still haven't finished all your lunch, Scrapper. You sure you're not hungry?

Dust Man: Positive! Positive.

Headless Horseman (body): Alright, 'cause now-

*An explosion is heard as a breakout is occurring, with Crash Man, Wood Man, and Quick Man arriving at the helm, starling Famine*

Headless Horseman (body): HEY!

Crash Man: Let's get this thing started!!

Wood Man: Do not worry, master! We're going to save you! *he then lifts the cage open, freeing Dr. Wily*

Dr. Wily: It's about time you did something useful!

Wood Man: Are you hurt, master?!

Dr. Wily: No, I'm just fine!

Famine: Stop right there, criminal scum!

Wood Man: How DARE you speak to my master in that tone! Face my powerful LOG ROLL! WOOSH!!

Famine: Da wha? *attacked by Wood Man* Oof!

Dr. Wily: He's... growing!

Wood Man: *beating up Famine* Quick Man, your turn!

Quick Man: Alright alright- *jumps in fear and gasps as he runs upon seeing Dust Man in his cell*

Dust Man: Hm, he remembers...

Quick Man: Hahahaha! Blow it up! *uses the Quick Boomerang onto the lights*

*Death and Pestilence are seen chilling when the electricity goes out*

Death: Hey, who turned off the lights?!

Dust Man: It's now, or never... Now, or never...!! *he releases himself out of his cell as he quickly gets to work for his plan of escape*

Crash Man: Alright boss, the lights are out! Let's go! *as the four escape the prison* Ha ha!!

Dr. Wily: Hohohohohahahaha!! Excellent breakout, gentlemen! Excellent breakout!

Wood Man: Did we beat our old time, master??

Dr. Wily: By about two seconds.

Quick Man: *uneasy* Woof! Heh, yeah about that, doc. Uh, you ever get the feeling that somethin's watchin' ya?

Dr. Wily: Only when Mega Man decides to rear his ugly head into my plans, why do you ask?

Quick Man: Ah, nothin' doc, ah, nothin'...

Dr. Wily: Good. If anyone asks what evil thing I did, I, uh... jaywalked at a public intersection. Okay! Let's go!

Dust Man (O.S.): But all I needed were his incompetent henchmen to finally set. Me. Free...

Quick Man: I swear there's someone followin' us!

Wood Man: Ah, don't be such a baby. Probably just dust in the wind!

Dust Man: Yes... "Dust in the wind"... *chuckles as he vacuums for a little scare*

Quick Man: Eep!! *holds onto Wood Man* Uh... hi...


Quick Man: O-Okay I mean, I'll just stick with ya...

*Back at the prison, Conquest gets the lights back up and running again*

Conquest: Ugh... there we go. Breaker breaker 10-59. Breaker breaker 10-59.

War: *gasps*! Wily's escaped!!

Clawitzer: Honestly, are you even surprised anymore?

Death: Other than him, every other inmate seems to be accounted for. Even the Scrapper.

Conquest: Be on the hunt for Wily, boys! He's gonna try and lay low like he always does.

*We cut back to the present with Luigi and Dust Man*

Luigi: So that's why you did the sculpting... it... it was all just a means to escape and-!!

Dust Man: Ah, finally piecing everything together, are we? You've been fun, Luis, plenty of fun. But alas, dust to dust... ashes to ashes~ *shoots at Luigi again as he dodges* Hahahahahahaha! You fool, there is no Roboenza Mark 2! All it took were a few slips out of my cell, and then all I had to do was this... achoo. Achoo~ Achoo! ... And do you want to know what this filth produces on robots?

Luigi: U-Uh... n-no...?!

Dust Man: It causes them to OVERHEAT! And what happens then, Luis? What happens then~?!

Luigi: I-I don't know-!!


*Luigi huddles in fear*

Dust Man: Oh, you simpleton! Once they're overheated, I consume them! Bit, by bit, by bit... starting with your old pal R.O.B.!

Luigi: Now listen here!! If you even lay a single hand on R.O.B.-!

Dust Man: Oh, what are YOU going to do about it, huh? What are YOU going to do!? *he then uses the Dust Crusher twice, once for a warning shot, the other to destroy the alarm systems*

Luigi: But why are you doing this?! What-Why!? How-

Dust Man: Oh, but Luigi, you don't know how I viewed things. All of those years I've worked away, and in those days, do you know what I found? CORPSES! *Luigi steps back* Corpses of robots who seeked death, and found it! Those who didn't desire death, and yet it snatched them up. But those whose fear was still lingering onwards... those were the most delicious of all... and then, then the world would be cleansed from the filth that you create!

Luigi: Well, you're not going to-!


*He then tries to suck up Luigi, where Luigi struggles to escape the pull*

Famine: *comes on in* So, how-! *gasps as he goes and tackles Dust Man* Gotcha!

Dust Man: *gets Famine off of him* Get AWAY from me!! Now that I'm finally free... it's time this wretched world became SCRAPPED. *uses the Dust Crusher to make his opening as he breaks out*

Famine: No... he's free...!

Luigi: How am I going to stop him!? He's a killing machine!! What do I do, what do I-!?

The Snatcher: FOOOOOOOOOOL! I just knew something of the sort would happen, and that is why I say to you again: FOOOOOOOL!

Luigi: Snatcher, we don't have time for this! W-W-Why'd you let him out!?

Death: Well he said he wanted to give something to you.

Luigi: Well Snatcher, I'm-a sorry for thinking you were guilty-

The Snatcher: Ohhh? And what? Is the truth finally coming out?

Luigi: YES. I'M-A SORRY. I'm-a sorry for thinking you were The Scrapper, I'm sorry for invading in your forest, I'm sorry-!

The Snatcher: Hahahahahahahahaha! See, how hard was that?

Luigi: Not... hard?

The Snatcher: Precisely! And besides, I'm not angry! Not as long as that matter muncher's going about destroying our world! Hahahahahaha! I'll be utterly satisfied in death! We'll all go at this rate, and I can exist happy knowing that this was ALL YOUR FAULT, something that could've been prevented, had you not fought me!


The Snatcher: Nothing! Although, I don't think you can fight that matter muncher on your own.

*Pestilence brings out Luigi's upgraded Poltergust*

Luigi: My-a Poltergust!? But... how!?

The Snatcher: Well, let's just say a certain old man built his home a little to close to my forest, and once I scared the pants off of him, the Poltergust was mine!

Luigi: Well, uh... thank you!

The Snatcher: Well what are you doing standing around for?! CLOG UP THIS VACUUM!

Conquest: You better! We're depending on you!

Death: You got this, Luigi!

Luigi: Alright... let's-a go!

*The scene cuts to Dust Man as he spots a group of robots up and about*

Candy Cadet #1: Huh? What? Did you hear that?

Candy Cadet #2: What was that? Candy.

Dust Man: At last... the cleansing shall begin... STARTING WITH YOU!!

Candy Cadet #1: Gasp! AIIE!!

*Dust Man begins to tear at the Candy Cadet, ravaging at his innards as he begins to eat*

Candy Cadet #2: What are you doing?! Get off of him! Get off of him!


Dust Man: Hold still! You're only delaying the inevitable... Oh, this feeling!! *he then spews out some dust, causing some of the robots to be infected with the dust as it goes in their systems*

Candy Cadet #2: Achoo.

C.H.A.D.: Hey man, that's not cool!

Dust Man: Hehehahahaha... I suppose you could do, as well... *he then vacuums up C.H.A.D., beginning to eat him until...*

Luigi: DUST MAN!!

Dust Man:!!*drops C.H.A.D.* Ah, Luis... we meet again...

Luigi: You leave those-a robots alone right-a now!

Dust Man: Oh, but I was only beginning my appetizer! And here you are desiring on stopping me with that rusty trinket on your back!

Luigi: "Rusty trinket"? But, I-

Dust Man: Face it, Luis, you don't stand a chance against me. Turn back now, unless you desire on facing the endless depths of torment... Have at you!

Luigi: Wah!! *runs off*

Dust Man: And there he goes. No harm there. Back to my FEASTING!


Dust Man: Ohhh... my main course!! *lunges and attacks Rectang-Bot, beginning to eat him*

Cylind-Bot: HELP HIM! HELP HIM!!

*The Candy Cadets try to stop Dust Man, but he fires some more plasma shots, destroying some of them*

Luigi: Oh, come on, Weegee, what're you doing? Mario's not here... you got to solve this one all by yourself. I'm-a Luigi... number one! *goes back to the action*

*Dust Man begins ravaging at the bots, until he feels something*

Dust Man: Oh- Oh my... *he then launches a Dust Crusher, destroying some of the other Candy Cadets*

Mechakoopa: Hey! You leave those robots alone! Or else I'm gonna-

Dust Man: *turns to the Mechakoopa* Or you'll what...?

Mechakoopa: Uhhhh... uh-oh? *he eventually gets vacuumed up* Niiiii! Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow!

Luigi: Well it's worth a shot... *uses the Suction Shot on Dust Man while he is distracted*

Dust Man: What the he-!? *pulled towards Luigi* LUIS! LET GO OF ME! LET GO OF ME!

Luigi: Okay! *slams Dust Man repeatedly until the Suction Shot lets him go*

Dust Man: You've made a grave mistake... *shoots the Dust Crusher as Luigi moves out of the way, huddling in fear* What gall do you have to disrupt my feast? Of course, I always knew you were intelligent, Luis. So please, do what's best for both of us, and back down, or you'll become my next morsel...

Luigi: I'm not gonna run away anymore. I know you're guilty!

Dust Man: And?

Luigi: And I'm-a... I'm-a gonna stop you!

Dust Man: Then prove your worth. *Shoots a plasma shot at Luigi as he dodges out of the way*

Luigi: He's too strong! Wait... how did he get clogged up in the first place? Aha! *whistles in Dust Man's direction* You want some of this, Dust Man? I'm right-a here!

Dust Man: And what delightful fun!

Candy Cadet #3: Hold on. If you're trying to stop the Vacuum Bot, at least let me help. Here. Candy. *hands him various junk* Try letting him suck these up.

Luigi: Okie dokie!

Dust Man: I'm going to make you spotless!

Luigi: Eep! *uses a wrench to suck in and then spit it back at Dust Man*

Dust Man: Ahhh, an appetizer! *eats up the wrench* Not bad... *eats up the defused grenade* Ahhh, delicious! More, Luis, I crave more!

Luigi: I hope that-a helped...

Dust Man: Spoiler alert: it did not. *shoots Luigi, this time hitting him* Hehahahahaha... and now for you to be cleansed. *he lunges at Luigi, attempting to devour him with his vacuum, however, he doesn't seem to be getting in* What? Oh my, you're not going down quickly at all! Hm... *suddenly, he then spits out Luigi as he feels something in his system* Gah- no- something's stuck in here... come on, come on! *he tries to spit out whatever is clogging up the vacuum*

Candy Cadet #3: Quick! Use this prototype arm! I'm sure the doctor didn't need it. Candy. *throws the arm in Luigi's direction*

Luigi: It's worth a shot... *sucks up the arm and launches it in Dust Man's direction as the arm clogs up the vacuum*

Dust Man: Oh- Oh dear- *Luigi uses the Suction Shot again* Oh great-! NO!

*Luigi then slams him multiple times again before the Suction Shot drops him again, and Dust Man pins down Luigi*

Dust Man: My my, we have been in this predicament once before, haven't we? *proceeds to try and vacuum up Luigi again, however, something clogs in his system*!! Wha- What- no! No, no, no, no! No, no! No! No! No! No!

Luigi: Now's-a my chance!

*Dust Man uses the Dust Crusher again, but this time, Luigi vacuums the Dust Crusher in time and reflects it back at him*

Luigi: My turn.

Dust Man: No! I-Impossible! You can't-!

*Luigi uses the Suction Shot once more, slamming Dust Man repeatedly until the fight was over*

Luigi: Oh yeah! Who's number one now? Luigi!

Dust Man: *coughs as he struggles to get back up* Not bad, Luigi... not bad at all... I have one last thing to ask of you...

Luigi: And what would that be?

Dust Man: Finish me...

Luigi: What?!

Dust Man: Finish me, Luigi... you have no idea what life is going to be like for me once the police have their way with me... please... let there... be light... again.

Luigi: No, I couldn't!! No, no no!

*Defeated, Dust Man attempts to retreat again*

Luigi: Wait!

Famine: *eventually catches Dust Man again* Gotcha! Oh yeah, twenty points!

Death: Excellent work, detective! Nicely done.

War: *disables Dust Man's vacuum* Yeah, Scrapper, you ain't gettin' out for a long, LONG time. *hits Dust Man as the Police arrest him* Let's go already!

Dust Man: Well Luigi, I'm afraid this is goodbye.

Luigi: Wait, you're not upset!?

Dust Man: Not even close! You see, it was only inevitable that this were to happen to me. And in the end, we're all finding our way out of the darkness, and into the light. I know this won't be the last time we'll see eachother. Maybe in a new life, in a new world, who knows. All I know is that whatever is in store for me, it's bound to be greater than this. And I'm certain you had fun playing detective. It took you a little while to figure out this case on your own, but overall, I can say with a proud smile, that this outcome was rather wonderful, and you have successfully bested me. Farewell, Luigi. Farewell.

Luigi: Hmm...

Death: Hey kid, don't sweat it.

Luigi: Eh?

Death: The Scrapper's real poetic with his words, tries to make you feel bad even when he's being thrown in the slammer. You should be pretty proud of yourself! You just stopped one of the Plush Kingdom's biggest threats!

Luigi: Well... well, I know, but... *sighs*... At the same time...

*The scene transitions to a new day as Luigi narrates the events unfolding*

Luigi: *narrating* And like that... it was over. Dr. Wily got put back in jail when they found out about his crimes. And as for Snatcher, they planned on releasing him early for good behavior! Probably for helping me out. And as for Dust Man... I don't know what's gonna happen to him...

Mario: *to Luigi as he calls for him* Luigi, come quick!! R.O.B.'s-a feeling better!

Luigi: Oh! Coming!

Luigi: *narrating* But no matter how many people I-a save, be it-a one life, a-ten lives, a hundred, or even a thousand! I'll-a know that I have-a solved-a my case... as Detective Luigi!


Detective Luigi 2: Dust to Dust/Transcript (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.