The Jeanerette Enterprise from Jeanerette, Louisiana (2024)

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The Jeanerette Enterprisei

Jeanerette, Louisiana

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CALL 56 FOR ALL PERSONALS AND ITEMS OF INTEREST IJLIU Jeanerette Louisiana Thursday March £0 1947 a Will Start Work Canals Soon Pecot Business Man Missing 3 Days Feared Dead Teche Cab lac Plan Daily Bus To Jeanerette The search for Pecot well known grocer and coffee roaster and dealer of Jeanerette who has been missing from his home on East Main street since early Monday night had continued into the third day at press time Wednesday night According to his sister Mrs Mathilda Pecot he left the house about 7:30 Monday night and failed to return by the next morning She called Chief of Pirates Training Former Cardinal Player Signed The State Engineers are now at work sutveying and staking the Cemetery Canal and three other canals at Jeanerette preparatory to redredging and dredging Mayor Chaney reported this week Work on the projects which are part of the parish-wide drainage program will begin within the next few weeks Mayor Chaney said that last Thursday following the heavy rains he had accompanied the State Engineer and had made Tho Jeanerette Pirates have be' recommendations for canals to be Jeanerette Members of the Commillee of the Jeanerette Chamber of Commerce meeting at the office of the Hebert Printing Company last Friday plans for Trade Days in Jeanerette Merchants of Jeanerette will be contacted by members of the committee to cxpLain the set-up and gather suggestions which might be helpful in putting over the Trade Days Members of the committee are inviting and urging the support of all business concerns in order that the Trade Days will be one of the largcsl and most successful event to be staged in the Jeanerette community A general membership meeting will be held on Wednesday March 26 at the Boulevard Theatre to Trade Day president Commerce announced Tuesday In addition to the Trade Days the school program the State Safety Program and the petitioning of the Stale Highway Department for the resurfacing and widening of Main Street will be discussed Dr Villien is asking and inviting all members as well as i discuss the proposed Dr Villien of tho Chamber of Police Henry Ansley to investigate Later his automobile was discovered on thev opposite side of the bayou near the Adeline bridge with his glasses lying on the scat The keys of the car were gone Contents of a short note written by him and willing all that he owned to his sister Mrs Math-ildc was found in the store Citizens of Jeanerette began an extensive' search in the fields nearby in an effort to find him Later Tuesday afternoon men in boats began to drag the bayou but abandoned the search until Wednesday He is about 57 years old Jackets Awarded To Jeanerette Football Team Ifhen it comes to inviting new i and going all-out to get-New Iberia is right there my on the as the goes To prove my point ksve an announcement this that the Teche Cab Inc of Iberia has obtained a fran-nd permission from the a Public Service Com to operate a bus line to hem Jeanerette three times a If Delcambre and of the New Iberia corn-said Tuesday that the led run would probably within the next three the bus service to Jean-wiU be welcomed by a our citizens the mcr- business men of Jcan-niist now learn to work together and as a group rder to hold their own the still- competition will be offered by the New tores They must enlarge stock to a greater degree offer prices that will open ms of the citizens of Jean-e and its immediate trade to the fact that although the may be small it can offer very same merchandise at very same prices as their ipetitors in neighboring towns writer on a number of is has suggested the pos-of running' a bus line to outlaying territory pointing the fact that some day our city would be quick to take itage of the opportunity It is not too late now for Jean-gtte to act With the proposed hade now under con-leration the merchants of the ypunity could charter busses jnake trips to Charenton Bald-k Fktoutville and the outlay- territory even if only for Utade The benefits vpuld be very surprising il: i i i i 5i: 121 i P-i -w 4 if 22 played with State Champion Peters of New Orleans and has played American Legion ball for three years He went to the St Louis tryout camp in 1942 Upon graduation from higlt school he entered the Navy in February 1943 where he served 37 months as a Radioman second class aboard the USS James othciT business men who arc destroyer in the Pacific in the organization to be present I at the meeting which is expected I Manager Telotta was very en-tn ho lUn irooct thusiaslic over this turn out and predicted that his team would be much stronger than in the past season Through the efforts of Mayor Chaney and members of the Jeanerette team work is well underway on the repairing of the' stands in order to make them safe for the public this coming season to be the largest and most important since the organization of the of The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 mas wh? 18 FESTIVAL QUEEN Miss Dorothy Bernard of Thibodaux queen of the Louisiana Sugar Cane Festival and Fair held in New Iberia last September passed through New Iberia Saturday at 1:20 on her way to Hollywood via the Southern Pacific She is making the trip under the sponsorship of the festival association which is paying the expenses Miss Bernard received the honor while a student at Soule College and did not wish to interrupt her studies to take advantage of the free trip given her as queen of the festival She has just graduated from the school She is accompanied by her mother Mrs Raoul Bernard A committee from the festiyal association headed by Mrs Lewis Crawford met tho train Saturday and presented Miss Bernard a corsage and wished her "Godspeed" Jackets of blue trimmed with gold were awarded members of the Jeanerette High School who lettered in football during the past season Presentations were made by Coach Fred Smith Louis -Bonin who had lettered several years ago and who had not received his jacket was given his award along with the ten other members of the team Bonin is a veteran of World War II and served with the Marines in the Pacific theatre Awarded jackets were Charles Wolford Ross Colletti Anthony Colletti Abel Trimble Ronald Guillot Leslie Landry Joe Magro Ivan Burleigh Wilbur Migues $nd Donald St Germain Schools Federal Assistance Bills Although the Jeanerette Lions Club has been organized only some five weeks now it is setting the pace for progress and im-The Jeanerette Chamber of provement in Jeanerette com-fcunercfc in response to a Jele? xminity Work is well' underway 'f-M troro Lt Governor wading pool in the Veter-ylzntthu pledged full an' Memorial Perk and ihould Vvtanslra rr Governor Verret' in' his asked the local unit to do weeks if ftvoriMeweatHer permits gun Spring training and many prospects are working out with last regulars Manager Joe Telotta reported this week Johnny Golden who played second and third base with the New Iberia Cardinals last season is also expected to be in tho starting line-up with the Jeaner-ette team when the team meets Jeanerette on Island at Easter Sunday High School track team who will I participate in the district meet' at' a Lafaycttc on April 12 will com pete against a Jeanerette High Alumni team at the Jeanerette High School Park this afternoon Coach Fred Smith announced Tuesday The event is scheduled to be held at 5 favorable weather permitting but in the event inclement weather conditions prevail the event will be held the following afternoon Coach Smith said Joe Magro has returned to track practice and will try out for the broad jump While this track team is the first in many years it is believed that the Jeanerette boys will make a good showing and will probably break several existing records at tho district meet Elect Mayor Viator Official of State Municipal Group MayQr Armand Viator oi New Iberia was elected vice-president of the third dislrict of the Louisiana Municipal Association it was learned Thursday The association ended a three-day conference in New Orleans Wednesday Mayor Powers Higginbotham of Baton Rouge was named president succeeding Mayor Hardy of LcCompte NO LICENSE NEEDED Baton Rouge March 19 (AP) Veterans who were qualified before entry in the service to practice architecture may obtain licenses without examination This word comes from the Louisiana Department of Occupational Standards Plans to start a daily bus service from New Iberia to Jeanerette and Lake Dauterivc in the next three weeks were announced Wed by A Delcambre and Leleux of the Teche Cab Inc who will operate the bus line Plans call for a minimum of tlirce daily trips to Jeanerette and back Mr Delcambre said The Teche Cab Inc has obtained the franchise and permission to operate the service from the Louisiana Public Service Comission he said of the schedules have not yet been worked out but as soon as they are the new service will be he said The Teche Cab Inc operates a taxicab service and the city bus service in New Iberia leanerette Lions Spearhead 1M Oi Wading Pool 'rl Once JramPtoted the pool willbe turned ovet -to the Jfans Board New Iberia has been named to the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Sweet Potato Association it was learned Friday Meeting was held at Lafayette Clarence Kitchen Washington executive vice-president of the United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association warned sweet potato growers shippers and processors that greater attention must be paid to marketing of quality produce in the future if the per capita consumption of the product is to be increased 5c Per Single Copy dredged at the foot of Dominguo Street Monnot Road and Trap-poy Street in addition to the re-dredging of the Cemetery Canal Redredging of the Sandegar Canal located approximately three and one half miles west of Jeanerette has already begun The dragline will redredge the Delahoussaye Canal which connects to the Sandegar Canal and will then come up the Cemetery Canal Mayor Chaney said that he felt that the drainage conditions in Jeanerette would be greatly improved in view of the fact that all water west of the Huberville Road would be diverted westward through the Sandegar Canal and all water flowing east of the Hu-bortville Road would be diverted to flow through the Cemetery Canal Names of Servers sryog4 "Which wall be in the old City Hall will be Lawrence Clement Gonsoulin A McGowcn Jr Mrs II Scranton and Jake Wagle -V In the second precinct which will be located in the new City Hall Roy A Buteau Joseph Cormier A Fcske Jr Armar St Germain and Simon Thibeaux will serve The two precincts will be opened from 6 am to 7 pm on April 'W- Negro is Found In Burned Home At New Iberia Police Saturday were investigating the death of Albert Owens 46-year-old Negro whose body was found in his home at 315 Jefferson Street in New Iberia Saturday morning body was discovered by firemen who answered a call that the house was afire He was found in a sitting position body was removed to Berges Funeral Home after the fire was put out An inquest was held Saturday morning Dr Robert Derouen coroner said that the was evidently dead before the fire reached his MID-WEEK SERVICE Mrs II Thompson guest speaker will give a talk on Challenges of the at a mid-week service scheduled to be held tonight at seven in the Methodist church at Jeanerette Choir practice will follow fighters in the business the clown" and bullfighter When cheering for the bronc-busters and trick riders and ropers at the World Championship Rodeo forget to toss a cheer to Ken Boen rodeo clown and real World Champion bulUightCl- i Residents of Iberia parish awoke Thurs to peacefully calm weather after one of the'WQrtt storms' in the memory dents Wed night -which- thousands of dollars of property damage and minor injuries to several persons The storm broke shortly after 9 pm Wednesday and lasted about three hours Rainfall was gauged byR Abshire manager of the Iberia Sugar Co-Operative as nine and one-half inches in 24 hours In 1940 rain fell for a 60-hour Issue April 29 President Walter LeJeune Jr said Tuesday night that the pool will measure 20 feet by 40 feet and would have a depth of -approximately 20 inches at the deepest spot in order to take care of the needs of the tots in the four and five year bracket Ground has already been taken out preparatory to putting in the forms to pour concrete The pool will be located in a shady spot i -r 5 next to the concrete building now yt of Jeanerette in the under construction and which LPfiBinr Memorial Park and the wn serve as rest rooms and' bursting of an emergency locker room for equipment to people in distress is of enougnthat it means busi-' The pool is being nd will act instead of just by the Jeanerette Lions Club and projects- for civic bet-' expenses oferecting The voters of Iberia Parish will decide the on April 29 when they will go tomism on the attitude taken Iberia Monday by bus Mr Watkins based his Washington Senator John Overton (D-La) Fri announced his opposition to proposed legislation providing federal financial aid to the states for school pur- poses The Louisiana Senator said that which blew down trees high ten- period but it was light rain Final estimate was close to 20 inches On March 20 1920 6fe inches fell in a three-hour period Rain was accompanied by violent lightning and high winds the polls to determine what type I CAB officials when he present-of veterans memorial will bejed his argument built you he said In their meeting Thurs morn- CAB examiner had recommending the jurors made the official stopovers three places Gregg County in Texas and -iSSVfsrato the Jeanerette Lions Club Stxtoaipirit civic pride such vavav PI my 0uia sion wires and caused damages to a number of houses and barns Greatest damage was apparently suffered by the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Co Telephone Lanes Ernest Milstead manager of the New Iberia blanch reported more than a mile of lines down iust out of New Iberia near Olivier Downed wires along the railroad delayed trains Service to Toanarotto New Orleans and indebtedness of that portion of situation the examiner had also Ither cities was completely stop- the Pointc Claire Portage Drain- recommended a stop at either the TUier cities was completely stop Dislrict that jies in Iberia New Iberia airport or the Lafay- wi 4U-a Parish The major portion of the! ctle airport The examiner had Mr Milstead reported that 10 district lies in St Martin and has! granted that the Eastern Airline poles had been blown down near been assumed by that parish as a be granted this stopover OUirior wVinn a iurifitar nit InG Olivier when a twister hit the election call and will include sev-! eral matters in the ballot that fibber New Iberia or Lafayette need to be put before the voters i yours we can look forward to moriaj Committee pnt improvements in the future Walter Chris owner of Chris-rrCafe is another business man too definitely sold on adver- in the Jeanerette Enter- Bernard Trappey Named to gneil hat' Good For Airline Stopover Service Guyton Watkins young altor- Ssy who represented New Ibe- Interests at a Civil Aero nautics Board hearing in Washington last week was 'optimistic Tuesday over- the chanceg of obtaining a stopover by one of the major airlines Mr Watkins flew to Washington from New Orleans to attend the hearing and flew back when it was over lie arrived in New opti- by Iberia's airport has runways of 4000 feet which will accommodate a DC3 type of plane Lafayette was not represented at the hearing he said' Rene Babin who was arrested by New Iberia police several weeks ago while attempting to break into Jewelry Store pleaded guilty to the charge before Judge James Simon Thursday He was sentenced to 18 years in the penitentiary Babin was discovered breaking in by three Jeanerette youths who notified New Iberia police officers ROLAND DESONIER TAKING ADVANCED COURSE IN PENN fair) He placed a three inch ad toe weekly business page' Of Yfllll GlOIID was followed up by a pic-iVB 1 am VB of hig place and a write-up his Mexican dinners be- uiiiiiwio mv Bernard Trappey of 1 5 Stored on his Sunday menu out of dinners very early im uumvia vcij was wtd he had to keep patrons TU A result Walt signed up for advertising contract writer is now in a nice 4x5 Speed Jr Which will be used to re-tou the doings of the various (LT W4 UIU VaiAWU1 next at he dal section I share in thedistrict will New Iberia phone service was properly become a part of its also interrupted when lies were drainage project now blown" down Most of the underway damage was -centered around Jeanerette Airport French Street in New Iberia Ate on th0 hallot wm be a Transmission Out $25000 airport for Jeanerette of the airnort A transmission of the Gulf project voted August 19 1941 butiij potential business for air-Pubhc Service blew out in the which needs clarification through SgAV? business middle of the storm stopping new election light service to many Jeanerel-j The veterans memorial project hcv ercfavorablc to New tians and residents of nearby sec-jCalla for an expenditure of $150- Iav0raWe 000 and was voted Nov 21 1944 Watkins said that New rated ke ft Oak to-T FAMOUS CLOWN BULLFIGHTER APPEARS IN ROUGE RODEO a police jury resolution to use! the funds to remodel lhe old 1 courthouse stands in the way of abandoning that proposition in favor of some other The vet- erans themselves through peti- he had given much study to the question for several years and had regretfully arrived at his conclusion not to support the bill He realizes that the teachers in his own state arc underpaid danger from Federal control or regulation of our schools is too great for me ever to vote for granting of Federal funds for educational Senator Overton declared though the pending bill provides for a state administration of the Federal funds it is not unlikely that it will be only a short time before the Act will be amended so as to provide that no state shall receive such aid that does not administer its school funds without any discrimination as to race or color is not a complete answer to say that Louisiana can escape the Federal injunction by declining Federal aid because other states will accept the aid with such a rider placed upon the legislation and Louisiana will be paying its part of the Federal aid of which it will be denied the More than eight million Americans work on farms up insurance value if you decided to discontinue making further payments is $23780 At the end of 10 years it is $2356-40 and in 40 years it is $788290 For those individuals who can save larger amounts of money per year the 30-payment life plan issued at age 25 is $19770 per year and is paid up for the full amount in 30 years The paid-up estate value at the end of each year is proportionately larger Due to the fact that a 20-pay policy is paid up in 20 years the premium is still greater ($251 per year) Essentially these three plans are all the same except for period of payment In addition the more you pay per year per $1000 of Insurance the larger are your cash equities over a given period of time The cash equities might be called living values and can be borrowed upon at any time at 4 per cent interest Such equities have saved many a man from financial disaster more than once in his lifetime SERVICE INSURANCE CAN BE CONVERTED INTO THREE TYPES Damage to light wires was caused by tree limbs being blown across wires and by wet cables according to Clifford Schexnay- der manager Crews of both the telephone company and the Gulf Public Service worked all night after the storm had abated to restore the service Home Struck organizations and citizens c5 to Jeanerette community nuSBHTtofore we were borrowing from the Teche Publish-fCompany which meant that TJtover there was a suitable to be taken 1 had to go iT nd borrow it off Now have my own camera I im nr a nice dark room in office and will be able to give Wicker service to the com- JJBDSanD ENDS: Progress J-expansion has been the key-2 the Patout brothers since yfrt ventured into business ytotoeot they are connected the tions to the jury indicated they'jj HoKSm would prefer some other type of IvCIlC IS a Dlu BLHllIittu To 18 Years on Plea -f Of Guilty Thursday Term insurance although being the lowest in price per year has the disadvantage of providing no cash loan or paid-up insurance values This National Service term insurance however Ken Boen Danville Illinois will provide a comic touch at the World Championship Rodeo in the LSU Agricultural Center March 22-29 Boen a rodeo clown and bullfighter for the past five years started out with his original Gray Mare about 1940 He has not abandoned the Gray though She is still his favorite and the basis for his greatly increased repertoire Boen began his career as a trainer of five-gaited horses in Kentucky and his drift into show business began when the extraordinary Gray Mare came to him for training Traveling rodeo companies heard of the act when in Kentucky and persuaded him to go on the road with remarkable horse rignter lor me In justice to Ken his fellow clowns and the rodeo audience it might be well to explain the place of the clown and bullfighter in the rodeo set-up To begin with these boys are not faced trained bulls in their ventures into the arena They have to take exactly what edmes including! wild Brahmans and as experienc-l ed rodeo-goers can testify often run into some tough bovine propositions Only th in the arena makes riding of Brahmans tie are usually straight deepest of isolated pasturelandT and not at all used to the presence of humans The inevitable unseating of the boys who undertake this job would very often be fatal without the quick action business insurance business he converted to pe: Sutton and National Service Life In the sugar business elec- Pto and plumbing banking bu-g Md now comes word that engaged in the 225? business their latest ineir laiesi manufacturing 1 National Service Life manufacturing Three 0f payments fered to veterans by the (in addition to which will be discussed These three plans are: memorial The election is necessary to legally transfer the use of the Just when the storm was at its funds from the old courthouse highest lightning struck the project to some other project not home of Leon Theriot just out of yet determined Veterans showed New Iberia on the road to Abbe- an interest a hospital or civic ville and set it afire auditoruim as an alternative to New Iberia firemen answered the old courthouse center the call but according to Chief Gilbert Kahn the property was a total loss Wind blew down the house and caved in the roof of the home of Romero near Delcambre Members of the family were trapped in the home but the 13-year-old daughter crawled from the wreckage and made her way to the road and hailed a passing motorist Unable to render any assistance the motorist drove the young girl to New Iberia where she called an ambulance of the Berges Funeral Home which rushed to the assistance of the family Family Escapes When the ambulance arrived Rep Jos Daigre Favors Bonus State Rep Joseph Daigre favors payment of a substantial bonus to teachers from the surplus in the general fund he said this week Representative Daigre was polled recently by tho Acadia Parish Better School Association as to his opinion on the question The teacher is podrly he said am in favor of a special session of the Legislature to 'approve payment of a i fa The Bourgeois and insurance a (tammp am to the remot ttoto the 'Citizens' loun Agency an- CJtotofte removal of' their of- the Bank 525 to the Patout Furniture yhieh Is next to Glov-ttu Store The Jeaner- rmanent Insurance are of government endowments later) Ordinary life 20-payment life and 30-pay-ment life The advantage of the ordinary life plan is that the amount of premium is constant throughout life It is the most satisfactory plan for many people over the period of their lifetime and contrary to popular belief you do not have to pay premiums on it all your life You can stop at the end of any year and have a paid-up insurance estate For instance the annual premium for $10000 ordinary life if taken out at age 25 is $16220 At the end of one year the pid- sub- Lt Colonel Roland Desonier formerly commander of the Jeanerette National Guard now located at Island View Tourist Courts in Biloxi Mississippi has reported to Carlysle Barracks Pennsylvania for a twelve weeks arena of Associate Advanced work course his But Boen confine the extra once in show found that- he could not his activities strictly to one act and began taking on duties in the big rodeo Combining arena rescue natural bent for with a I of Commerce is neral membership Boulevard Theatre Tm if March 26 to dis-Bto' the school pro- State Safety Pro-iS ia invited and -isent- The meeting at 7ao pjn LiV'S inds ihr I 'If It' (Continued on Page Five).

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.