The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


qww MMnnMetAit of fcls. associated villi tbe Veeeiahfe Aromatlcs. bfiKb'd them for IvatMMla. Urarral y. Nervoaa Prattrailea.

on I It serve every purpose wnere aosmj Maufaciured by THE DR. BARTER MEDICINE DYSPEPSIA. T1 BOCTOR years, and is a regular graduate oi British and Amert 1 cM Institutes ToN SULTATION by fetter ot person, KK. Ladle, can and treatment for deeaaes peeuliarto the ei. All special diseases of YOUNG and Middle-Aged MEN.

aria ng ltm errorsof vooTt. or excesses of manhood and Chroo Upmplatetaof to. 4dpeyUvr, Lunrs, Broncbtai TjiW and dead, have beeu made a specialty lor over io years, ana tret ko who entire mcceS? The SL nSt others, to cure cases that are out of th reach of medl-eu whTiiriii hTLkT 1 1 1, von wi 1 1 lay the case plainly before him, either personally; Ail he ak i Umt you will frankly ten No charge, only actual ocst i medic curL For further particulars- and information, see circulars. No how many Ue wiU bout vou, voaiMainu A certain cure for all Skin Disease oi Ott-ICBBJCBS-Sto 1, to 5, and 7 to 8. Sundays.

9to 1 a. md 3 topm. All Utters promptly ii.d.sud correspondence eonodenual. Address Lock box JrO. Dayeuuort.

Iowa. LIYE RrV KIDNEYS STOMACH Alti BOVifELS CONSTIPATION ViUVfV 1 DYSPEPSIA yF' VlWk piles i EypzWzy pj? vv Wmfk imm-mi in BROTH ers fco-Pn. iL-STJ-OJiigND KANSAS CITY jJ iiHl ruese Bitters arc iiot an intoxicating toeverajfe, lttt a Metlieisse of real merit, aud pleasant to the taste. For Safe bif all Drufjftfsts. Irtcef $1.00 per Bottle.

EAGLE STEAM BAKERY, MANUFACTURFRS OF CRACKERS, BISCUITS, Wet Fonrtlt Street, between 3fain and Harrison Streets, a s. DAVBSVOKT, IOWA. t7Prompt attention given to all orders by mall, eodiw BOOKS and Old Boneht Sold and Exchansred. Staple jibfcripHons for Magazines and Newspapers! TtW (II AITn II ua. viivtAiuiiit, ua FLUID BEEF The most Concentrated Kxtract oi Kccf "Jr fared to the public, containing the entire atlisea constituents of the bt tc'i.

It is very palatable, i. the form of paste, ma may be us.l on bread, foiBiing a dulicloiis sandwich; or. dissolved tu iM.llina made In moment, if rlr In rii-rli tu thM made in the maul manner Irom fresh Beef. This KatrartofMX-fls hiifhly recommended by the medical faculty wherever it lias becu lu'ro-duced LORD, STOUOnTEtlir'K'l Chirac Air sola oj oriiKyirw Marshall's Catarrh Hnorl baa stood at the headof all remedies for Catarrh and Ha attendant maladies or Forty Five Ware, when It was luirmluced to tlie by C'taaa. liowim, whose lac astnilc simalure on every bottle of the genuine.

The trade baa been supplied ever since by Mr. Bowen and hie beira. Its great popularity has caused others to Im-late It. Beware of tha ba- Imitation now being offered through Farrand, Williams A of Detroit, by one II. C.

Grtdk-y. Bold by all druggist. r. V. KEITH.

General Ascent, Cluvland, Chicago TW-tAA- FC.KnTH. Crn'i Jlsnt.rimland GV! Dr. 1'att's Veterinary Ointment. It la the moat natural and effective preparatio aver used on the feet. It eeresi Quarter 'raekn.

Horr, Brittle and llaot'n. Mrrairhra, 4. ft Ilia, ana taore Evrrr sterrlition. Wholesale Agents: LAZ1CL, MARSH A OAR-DIN KK, No. 10 Gold New York; aleo aold by t.

B. MASON, Davenport, and by dealers everywhere. Bend for circular. Price 91 a Jar. Address all communication to.


DE LOS TO THE UNFORTUNATF Private JHcdiral Dispensary, K17 JrllrrMia Avraae, lletrolt XMKCiritY GIVES Dt. PbLoS (established in Detroit In 1S6 'alb Oldest phy.lulan In itie west who treat exclusively (and cures where all othors fait) every condition oi diseases of a private and delicate nature of both aexer. ItrvTt'C can consult the doctor on all prt-XrfAJLI11Z0 ute and delicate troubles. Remember that all eaes and correspondence are sacredly YOIIN U1 MlDDI-B Aoed tlX who are anU'erine from that mind harrowing an body-dee troyine diaeane, MGniNAL WKAKSIXS, broneht on by the Indeacretlone oi yonttt or excesa-a ana abnaea of matnrer years, which entirely an fit them fur marriage or buaineae, are permanently Cured by Dr. 1 Los.

Feraona llviue at a distance can be enred at home lunt aa well and without any one knowing it. Medicine (with full directions for aoliit?) aent to any part of the countoy, by mall or ejproan, free rom auaplclan. Hend for a Circular, Sent in PLAIN and 8BAI.KD envelope The great success oi Dr. DB LOU Is so woll known that a looe advertisem*nt 1b mjt needed here. Corns to Detroit, and call at tbe Dispensary, 817 Jelloraon Avenue, If you cannot come, write and direct let tors.

DR. DE LOS. DETROIT, MICH. MEDETUR! PEARLS OF STRENGTH AND SPECIFIC CURE for Sici and Nervous Heaflaclii, Dyspepsia and Indigestion, Loss of Memory, Wakefulness, Ana Muscular BeoMy, SEMINAL WEAKNESS and other diseases of like character yield to this most potent of remedies. In all forms of debility or lassitude these pearls are positively necessary, as they supply brain power, repair "waste, and revive the entire system.

Pamphlets free. 1 per box 6 boxes for $5.00. Sent by mail prepaid. FOB BALK BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Wi-pomiFic THE GREAT Remedy.

IT REMOVES All NSXIO'JS AND poisonous mim nm the BL003; am Is 03 ateoMe COEEfirfl IUKVSNS3S DIZZIHESSt CCTiCSJAL f.ft OE3IUTTI DYSPEPSlAt aVtl DIKBGTE3) KIRIOHT'U DISEASE) NEURALSIA RHEUMATISM. Ask your Druggist for It, Bail pxcli- wiKn Duspry- lor soiia romimr. o. w. Avtmit i-fl rillCAGO, ILL.

p'? 'cJ i KAILROADS 1 1 VaJ 1 TAKEN -INTERNALLY. 31 OO ES For any Case ot Catarrh it will not rnre. WILL. CURE ANY CASE. 3.

D. WBAi HBRFOHD.oftheHonseof A. T. Stewart A Chicaeo, I1U rites: GESTt.KMaN.-l take pleasure iu informing yoa that I have used Mall and don't hesitate to say that it will care any case per Bottle- ilannf.1 by oit FOR SALE BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. rv WHO 13 UNACQUAINTED WITH THE CBOCRAPHV OP THIS COUNTR-.

WlU NEW DENTAL FIRM MORGAN McCANDLESS, (Successors to J. B. Moboajs.) Office Library Building, comer of Rib. and Brady, VAVStirUHT, IUVTA. Tcleohone connection with the thro dtMa.

Klinns kxldsut admlulatered lor pain less alteration in extracting teeth, a and harm- i w-i T. 1 1 I 1VI 1 I I 1 1 jnnmcv ui, the handsomest and best material for cheap set oi Tei-th made, rl at oral color of tne mourn. All classes of work done and warronud aattstae tory. and tee samples and ret terms, eodawi WM.O. KULP, D.

D. S. MERCHANT'S BLOCK, -TiiiKii or kkaui -SPECIAL ATTK1STION GIVEN TO BAVIN AW the It atanu ee'n. t'entai surgery ana ail iseasesofthe mouth. Also artificial useth sup-lied upon all the popular bases.

alVdawtl K.T. KltlKi. DKNTIST. OFFICKOVER CUTTKH A CO'S. corner of Heoond and xtrady.

Uosidenc Perry street. REMOVAL DR. A. M. MINER, DENTIST, lias Removed his office to Davenport's Block, 0VR11 HARRISON'S DRUG STORE BKitest Work done at Reasonable Preae.

jtf. PHYSIC 1AN8 E. H. AZEN. M.D.

ritj-alelnn and Nnriccou SPECIALTY BYE t3L3NrX3 13 -A-H. OFFICE IN FORREST'S BLOCK COB. BRADY AND FOURTH Davenport Iowa. HOl'KS-OEFICB. 9 to 11 A.

3 to P. M. IN FI KM A IT, West Dav enport, 8 to DA. lto 3 P. UK.

MrVOWAH, OFFICE ROOM8-8 AND 10 FORREST BLOCK, corner 4th and Brady. Office Hours From 11 A. and to P. -M. Kegldence 10b Char lotto Avenue.

JlsW lilt. II. IIUKLKV. HOMKOPATIIIO PHYSICIAN AND 8UP goon, is uraav street. novtktti ATTORNEYS.

Klttvl I1KIXZ. APTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Othce, Northwest corner Main and second streets over Citizens National Bank. Davenport, Iowa. U.

PTORNEY AND COUSKLOR-A LAW. Offlo 8. corner Harrison and Second striata. OBAS. B.

rrjTHAM. JOBH K. BOOK US ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW Oillce in Viel'i Block Main street, Dsveiiport Iowa. UEOKtiK K. VOILD.

ATTORNEY AT LAW, MAIN STRKKl Davenport, Iowa. II I KMC 111. A PBEMTOH. LAWYERS, Davenport National Banc ildipg 1. W.


M. MM ITU, ATTORNEY-AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Collections a speciality. No. 1US K. Third sueel Davenport Iowa.

b. x. ma una. x. h.

MtrBPur. w. a. ltbcb 9IAKTIK. JII KI'HY LVUCH ATTORNEYS AT LAW, DAVENPORT, IOWA Office, Metropolitan Block Second street.

W. M. 9I1TC ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, 601 Main street, Davenport. S. B.



214 Brady street, Velio's Block ot Brady street, Davenport Iowa. WM. X. IHTTOIC ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Office, Nichols' Block, S.

W. corner of Second and Brady streets, op stairs. J.O. WISH. B.


UBEES A PETKI1I. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. OtBee in Newcomb House Block, Main street, Davenport, Iowa. SL V. SANSON.

BCeOTBK. HAKKOH A ItirUt IKK. ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW, 8. W. Coram Third nd Brady streets, Davenport, Iowa.

Money to Loat on real estate. K. F. KICHTIASI. eJ2 Northwest Corner Third and lm DAVENPORT, IOWA.

W.J. BIKl'HAKll. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8B Wee Third street, Now IILLARD HOTEL LOTTERY. A Wrawing in Sight. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1881, 18 THE DAY FIXED.

I consent of the commissioners the drawing of this scheme bas been DostDoned to Thnrsday, the 14th of July next, in order to make a full draw-Lfr. Itis believed that this short dely will meet the approval of all ticket holders, and eventuate in the rapid sale of the remainder of the tickets. LIST OF PRIZES. The Willard Hotel with all iul tOIn 00(1 Fixtures and Furniture. One Residence on Green Street One Residence on Ureen Street 1000 Two Cash Pris, each $5,000 10,000 Two T'ash Prizes, each J2.0W) Five Cash Pri zes, each 8' .000 5 000 Five Cash Prises, each 8.600 Fifty cash pnzes, eacn jiw a.uou One Hundred Cash Prizes, each $50 Five Hundred Cash Prizes, each $i0 10,000 One Set Bar Furniture One Fine Piano 600 One Hnndsome Silver Tea Set 100 400 Boxes Old Borbon Whisky, $36.

14,400 10 Baskets Champaene, S33 Five Hundred Cash Prizes, each 810 5,000 4t0 Boxes Fine Wines, $30 12,000 200 Boxes Robertson County Whisky, $30 400 Boxes Havana Clears, 810 4,000 Five Hunoreacasn irizes, eacn $iu AMOUNTING TO $3 6 9,850. WHOLE TirKETS.JS; HALVES, OCABTXRB, $2. Remittances mav be made bv Bank Check. Ex press, postal money order or jtegiBterca man. KeaoonBime acrents wanteuaiaiiuoiuui.

for circu lars giviny full information and for tickets, address WILLARD HOTEL, LOUISVILLE, avi.KtniU IIPI-IIKIIMTV -tu WlN "A FORTUNE. FIFTH RAND D1STR1 BUTION.CLASS AT NEW ORLEANS, TUES DAY, MAY 10, 1881 J3nrt Monthly Drawing. Louisiana State Lottery Cempanj This institution was regularly incorporated bf the Legislature of the State, for Educational and Charitable purposes, in 1868, for the term of Twenty-five Years to which contract the inviolable faith of the State ia pledged which pledge has been renewed by an overwhelming pop ular vote, securing its franchise in the new consti tution adopted Decembers; A. D. 1879, with a cap ital of $1,000,000.

to which it has since added a serve luna oi over ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU TION will take place monthly, on the second Tuesday. i never tctues or postpones. Look at the following Distribution CAPITAL PRIZE. $30,000. 100,000 TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF-TICKETS, ONE DOLLAR.

LIST OF PRIZES. 1 Capital Prize ...8 30,000 1 Capital 10,000 1 Capital 5,000 8 Prizes of $2,500 6,000 oi 6,000 or of 500.. 10,000 10.0(10 100 200 500 1000 100..,.. 50 ao 10..... of of of 10,010 10,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES.

0 Approximation Prizes oi $io aw 8 100 2,700 lKlO 900 lSST Prizes, amounting 8110,400 itespoosioie oorresponuing agents wanted at ail pointe, to whom liberal compensation will be paid. For further Information, writ clearly, irtving lull address. Send orders by express or Registered Let ter, or Money Order by mail. Addressed only to 31. A.

IrAI'PHISI. lew Orleans, la. or M. A. DAUTHIN, at So.

31 Hroadway.Scw York. All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings are undo tha supervision ana management oi usNEmL U. X. unAUitcAttLi anu udau AALiX. Bl THE DAYENPORT SAYINGS BANK.

Office la First National Bank Building. CASH CAPITAL Five per cent Interest paid OB deposit. Mousy loaned ou real estate aud personal security Office open from a. a' to 1 r. and oe Saturday OFFICERS: CtlAS.

PITNAM. ProslrtonL LO IS 11ALI.KK, Ice President. R. SMKTU AM, Cashier M.MK ER, As I Cash D18KCTOR8. Wm.

O. Schmidt, Jaiuos Grant. C. K. Puuiaxu.

J.J. Klchardson, A. Stiffen, J. u. Morrison, Louis liailer llcurv Aohra, Tho as Scott.


MAXWELL, Cashier. C. A. MAST, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS: B.

Knnr. E. S. Ballard, I. H.

Sears, W. Hen wick. 8. F. Smith, A.

J. Pre. ion, H. Price, L. bchricker, Jonn r.

I'helpa. Special attention given to collection In this atat Sterling bills in sums to suit purchasers. Exchange on ail principal points In Europe for ale. A general banking business transacted. CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK, OF DAVENPORT, IOWA: Cadtai, KKl.tNl BUaixtJ OFFICERS: If JH.

URIGOS, President. KOBT ERA USE, Vice resident. E. B. CARL, Cashier.

ADOLPU PRI EST BR, Teller. DIRECTORS: T. W. McClelland, D. N.

Richardson, Robert Krauso, C. Wad worth. Otto Albrecht, F. Griggs, J. Loronxen, I).

Gould, Nicholas hVuhnen, II. 11. Aadreaen, P. T. Koch, A general banking business transacted.

Foreign exchange sold at the lowest rata. We Issue our own draft on all tha principal dtle of Knmiw. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK DAVEN FOKT, IOWA The Bank In operation In In U. B. CAPITAL, 100.04MI O.OOU SURPLUS, UNDIVIDED PROFITS.

OFFICERS! r. T. DO President. lOUN B. FIDLAR, L.

Vice President, CUA8. F. MEVKK, Assistant. Cashier. DIRECTORS: Walker Adams, L.

Schrlcker, Jamts Thompson, J. E. Stevenson, T. T. Dow, L.

O. Dessslnt, A. Burdlck, Nat. French, Henry W. Kerker, August Sledcn, llenry Honrs.

A general banklnr business tranaactad. THE GERMAN SAYINGS BANK. Office N. W.Cor. Main and Second Street DAVENPORT PAID UP CAPITA 1, SURPLUS ISO.CMW.OO Fits Pa a Ckht.

(ntsbbst Paid OB Dirosrrs. MONEY LOANED On Real Estate and Personal Security. Office open from 9 A. M. to P.

M. Saturdays to 8 P. M. omenta: H. LISCUE President.

L. WAHLK, Vice Frost a. u. AMJitssin, caanioc. DTBBOTOBa; Otto Albrecht, Daniel Oonld, Jena Lorenaan', no.

M. Lyter. Wahle H. li. Andrescn, Mien.

Kuhnea Techentln H. Llscher STOVES. STOVES G.A. STONE 384 Brady Street, Dealer In 'HELPER' COOKING INVINCIBLE STOVES RANGES Guaranteed to be tbe host in the market, the celebrated and PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES whose good point are too numerous to mention. House Farnlshliie Goods, Ac Manufacturer of Tin, Bheet Iron and Copper ware Hooting, Guttering ana an lumis oi Tin ana Sheet Iron work done on short notice.

Call and examine. No trouble to show good GET THE BEST! LEAD ALL DTHEBS! Every Style Price. Guaranteed Unequaled FOBf OPERATION. i ECONOMY. DURABILITY and VVORKK1AN8HIP.

Improvements and Conveniences fonnd In no Aluiays Reliable. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. To Sals In Every City avad Town In the United State. And by KUflMEIER RASCHER, Dat- enport, lows. tti A.

P. BOILER WORKS. Mantifacturep of all kinds of Steam Boilers, Water and Oil Tanks, and Sheet Iron Work of every description, -J G0 Harrison mt. Davenport. Ia lyPartlcnlar attention paid to repairing 214 Sure Cure for CWil ao.5 1 0 (Lens Shaped" rum es PATENT ARMOR HEEL PLATES For Ladies', Misses' And Cbiltos' Boots They project over the je of the heel, leaving tuoolh edge.

1'hey wilt not tear tb rtotb, aa the common kind with sharp corners do. i They will not rattle or pall They add greatly to Uia value of a bout la both wear and looks. For saw by nhoe Dealers, etc. KOYAt. For ladies', Dflas es', and Children's Boots.

It will siot rrark or Intel re tbe leather. I timi blacM lu tre. Ladies who pnr-chaa tb is dressl once Invariably to purchase any other. For safe by shoe dealers. nn-anle to pDrchasa el ther of the above articles where all such articles are usually aold will con lor a favor by reporting the fact to the undersigned 1 who will have for (warded lmmedl- mvntj vu auoxese of some more en-trjiiinif dealer In the place.

EDWARD HENSHAW Wholesale agent, and Importer and dealer In Shoe store supplies. 4Hlligh Mtreet. Boston, SImi These goods for sale by W. C. WAKBINER and first-class shoe dtaiura.

WILCOX SILVER PLATE CO. Show Hooms, 21 Maiden Lane, K. T. Factories, West Merldcn, Conn. XARuracTCBBKa or Porcelain lined Ice Fitcbers, Walters, Coflecjand Ice Water Cms, Epergnes, Fruit Stands, Cake Baskets, Berry Dishes, KNIVES AND FORKS Pearl, Ivory and Steel-handled Knives, 4c, Ar.

Thesu goods can be fonnd at all first-class Dealers In Plated Ware. In purchasing, call for WILCOX QTJADRUPLB PLATB. W. DOUGLASS, MSC VaCTUBKRa OV PUMPS Hydranllc Kama, Garden and Fire Kn gincs, Pump Chain and Fixtures, Iron Curbs, Butts, Hinges, Ac, MIDDLE TOWN, CONN. Branch Wabkhousb, S5 and OT John New York, and 197 Lake Cbl- caco.

Works founded In 19S2. rnsheBt medal awarded them by the Universal Bxpo- J. B. DO(JGLA(5s, PrceldenU M. DOUGLASS.

Sec and Treaa. eodl KSTABLIS111SD IN 18t3 NORTHWESTERN HORSE NAIL CO, CHICAGO, ILL. HAMMERED and FINISHED Horse Nails. Our Sails are forged hot from a rod os the same principle that a Nail Is made by hand. Always uniform in quality, shape and style, they are nn-cqnaled In market.

i eodly F. W. KINGSLAND.Seeretary. ADJUSTABLE CORNICE Will fit any window. Tta a lifetime.

It is lbs only perfect adjustable cornier. A child can adjiiNt ro njiy window 3)j to wide, Jt'ftnnt deailrna. rWiitifiilly finwhed in vviu, rfmy. and y-'M Fur sale by first-las dealers, liaroant to the trade. Hend for lUcstrated Price-last.

nainmK thu papwr, to OS11UK-N co*kNIUK tX 'Toledo, Ohio, THE DAYTON QUEEN IS THE ONLY Sitle-lmr PhaetonlEver OlTeretl Warranted the Easiest Hiding Boggy In tho Market. Jnst the thing for Ladles and Business Men. PIUCE 8100 WITHOT7T CURTAIN, W5 WITH CURTAIN AND APRON Mannfactnred ouly by li. M. WO0D1IULL, W.

Fifth St. Xer l'assenger Iepot, mwf-w DAYTON, OHIO. GAS MACHINES. FOR LIGHTING Ikwellins lloneiei, Itlaiinfaotories, Inllic ltnildinst. llotcl.t, YAc Ktc.

STEAM HEATING APPARATUS FOItnEATINU BUILDINGS OF ALL KINDS. HOT WATER APPARATUS FOR UEATIMU i Dwelling Houses, Green Houses, Conservatories, Etc. Stoam as and Water Pipes, B'ass and Iron Fiitinfrs, Steam Pnmps, Boilers and engines. Pipe C'ntters. Tongs, Die Plates, Etc.

i WALWOBTH MF. CO. -i 5 Al tt Hilby atrret. aJOdtf BOSTON, MASS. SARATOGA DRESSING FOB Ladlea' sjhees Beceivea the Highest Award at the Centennial Ezpoeltlon.

"Absolutely tree from add and odor. Do not be persuaded by those that have Dot got it Into buying an in erior article. Sold In all flrat- iJass boot and shoe stores, i UE3T0HFF BKTTjrA'siI," New York, i hi irnuMiw MRS. LVL.A H. PISIICHAM.

OF LYNN, MASS. discoveues or LYDIA E. PINKHAf.rS VEGETABLE COMPQUITIX The PrwIttrB Ctrtw For all Female Complaints. Ths prenaratkn. as Its name HiraiBea, combo ot VeiiBtable Properties that ar harmkaa to the moat det-katelBmnd; I'poa ana Mai tbe merit of this Com-, aoood will be rnoofrntayl, aarellef la Immedlatai and when Mm use Is continued.

In ninety -nine oaaas In a bun, dred, apermanentcnretaeiffectedtlwuaaBds wul testify. On account of It, mrrven It to-day r-oomflssBdedaBd prescribed by the best phyatciaas to Ithaoountry. It will ear entirely the wont form of ailing of the uteraa, IucorrUusa, Irresnlar aad palnTol Menstruation, an Ovarian Trooblea, Inflammation and UtneraUoo, FirMxllnfra, all rbqplaoatnenu and the eo sequent spinal weakness, and at especially adapted to the Chang of Ufa. It will dtaaolva and expel tumors from tbe uternainau early stage of developdnVnt. Tb tendency to cancerous humors tber Is checked very speedily by Itsnaa.

In fact It has proved to bl the treat-eat and beat remedy that has vvr bean ha30ver-ed. It pei UMatesevarr portion of the system, and gives new Ufeand vigor. It removes falntncaUtarnteniry, destroys au craving for stlmnlanta, and relieves weakness of tbe stomach It earns Bloating, Heartache. Berrans Prostration, General Debility, BtoepteaaneeB, Depreasion and Indt-geatkm. That foeltng of bearing down, ranstng pain, weight and backache, la alwaysajermaitenUy cured by Its us.

It willat all times, and under all ctreamstan-ees, act In harmony wlthth law that governs tb female system. For Kidney Complaints of either sex this compound lsi Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound la pi spared at a and Western Avenge. Lynn, Mass. prleetuio.

Six bottles for (AOa. Sent by mail in tb formof puis, alac In the form of Loxengea, on receipt of price, (xoa, per box, for either. Mrs. FI.NKHAM freely answer an letters of Inquiry. Bend for pam-puleL Addreaaaaabov Mentiam (JU paper.

tio family should be without LYDIA K. FINKHAV LIVKK mu They ears Constipation, Biliousness, BAdTorxadittof theLlvar. xsmentaner box. 0 ixm isiiia lie, "EMPRESS RELIEF" Cores Rhennaatlsm and IVeuraljria, and kills ail I'aln Instantly. Deny it who can.

It Is tb only known permanent euro lor Hhenmafciam on tne American which hat been proved by thousands, and oae bottle will convince the moat doubtful. Last winter we cured hundreds of cases oi Rheumatism and Keuralcia, 1- ree or Cnarge, which the people oi Motion wen know, and we are now prepared to do the same thing again, and all are welcome at our office to testit* merits. No human pain, either Internal or external withstand for on instant of time its sootnine and magical power, and It is perfectly safe and harmleas, making no fail area and no disappointments. Every bottle a tea tlmonial in ltsen, ana jjruygvsim are mhiuk Minrmflti, nnantitiea of it wherever intro duced, refund the money in any case of failure, and challeiiite to worm to pro Htir. it.

Hinal. Lares oottles. On Dollar; small six Twenty-l-'lve Cent. The larger size contains six time aa much as the small size. It la sold by all enterprtiing uruggvu.

Free or Olutrge. Any person who will send us Twenty- Five Cents in oostaire stamps, we will pay exnreaa charges and send them a aample bot tle, delivered to their address, Free of Charge, We are sending out thousands ot bottlea in tbia war: nothinar can be fairer. and if you knew its merit you would not be witnout it. AGEST9 WASTED. First Class active and reliable, male and fe male.

In this and every city, town and village in the United States, to introduce and sell our Em pre Relief" from house to house. Agents now working are making tSeS.OO per week. Rend us One Iollar. which is the capital required, and will send you the goods wttn complete outni; ana aiarc you ui a moncy-maKing tnrnnems. A.

MKBRICK CO. woOlsult CatsBt Kedlciat States, 194 Columbus Atestte, BOSTON, MASS. EBTABLISHED IN LOKDOIt, I860. For sale bv James B. Mason Harri son Pharmacy.

II. A. Emeis, Maxwell A Rich ard uu. Bcmasei. win.

ua. At THIS FIRST TRIAL of DR. JONES' HI HI For BHKUM ATICS, M.1BALCIA, head- Oils') ache, toothache, barns, bruises, cuts, KHVSIPELAS, sore throat, idtTB' cwelUnga, baaloaa, frost bite, Prlee 60 Ceats a bottle. For sale by all Dnnrglsts nil Dealers in Medicines, or sent free from this efflce on receipt of price. Dr.

M. 81'IEUKL, 161 BadsoB AveBBea Albany, H. T. 4 rTPVATE)lSPENSARf SOS OoClARKSt. ChicacoJu.

IMeulOAl ColICwTM; for vearw ha eontlnrKl his practice Uy tho cunntf of diaeaseff thai result from youthful follies or excessei in taAer life; also, rieintn.l lyont Manhood, 8permatorho3a, Impotco-CTCfMSJcrial Nervous and hahiM and Abuses of the srstera-. will forfeit fv0 tvrsry cs(o of BCMinal WestkrW that I fail to car9 ten who are troubled with too freqnent 7ac.ttu.uuis of the bladder, often acoompanied by a barring or s3nsationt and flndiriK a deposit of npy sedimnt in the nrine, nervous de-omty and loss of vttsiHtT remembvir, this Is the second at iKe()f HerDinrt-Wetikne-a; innllsach rase a cure mWl tflve no merrrury not nu' ctruKM. It1Ctt n'aflonrtbie. orfc-rSi. l- H' I.ti SkmUl Ctarh fttret.

MRS. DINSMORE'S Coughl Croup BALSAM Warranted to core any easeoi Croup in One Minute and any ordinary Conch in from 13 to 48 Hours. Try a Bottle and be Convinced Also, for Cholera Infantum, Colic, and all Irregularities of the Stomach and Bowels. For a Soothing Syrap Has no equal. Ho family should be without a bottle of this Invalnable Medicine in the Bouse.

Sold bv all Drafgista. TRY TH B0ST0 BATTERY It stlmnlates the Mood into action, and houldbe worn by every one subject to rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous diseases, sleepless nights, hysteria, epilepsy dyspepsia, fever and ague, heart, liver, lung and kidney diseases, nursing mowers ana children wear tho Boston Battery; its action upon ue momer ana cnua will be found verv emetine. Mothers cow discard all soothing syrups and use the Boston Battery, thus relievtnr tbe child of much suffering cauMd by narcotics. Sent by mall everywhere on receipt oi price, ou cent, boiu uy an aroeems. Men and Women agents wanted in every city and wn.

Address Boston Galvanic Battery Hq 15 nibcr ton qure, Hwrn Boston, Haw mi 9 in WALCoTT. Walcott, Anil 2Cth, 19S1 The Walcott creamery starts up tomor row, and will bo a new acquisition to our town. The building and butter making machinery are after the most improved plan of the best eastern dairies, and is bound to be a success. It will run eight teams this summer. Bennewitz Co's new store has been the place of attraction the past week.

It does one's eyes good to look npon their stock of goods. We can say without any hesitancy that it is one of the finest store-rooms and the best trimmed ot any store this side of the Bluffs. It is fully equal to, it not superior, to any in Davenport; and it will get the trade too. The proprietors tell us they propose to compete with your city in prices, ana lqbi suunus um uujuck. The K- I.

P. railroad wells are about completed, and our burg justly cla ims to be the watenngslation on the road. There is a few cases of chicken por in town. Stock and grain markets were not verv brisk the past week high water the cause. Mr.

H. H. Smidt will erect a hay press here the coming summer, and then Wal cott wiE have one ot the best of hay mar- kota. Mr. Miller's brick residence is not yet in process of erection.

The workmen will commence soon. Mr. Ilyden's new saloon is about done. Thfi above is number five. Tmtoofinr O.

ITntint. Principal 01 Walcott schools, has invented a patent gate, and proposes soon to engage the sale ot farm ngnts lor tne same. Messrs. Schwartinir Co. are doing lively milling business at present.

They have been troubled not a little this spring for want of coal. TTenrv Grummer is about town again, after an illness of about a week. Wm. Mann, our agricultural dealer, has enlarged his warehouse, and now has it well filled with machinery. Thos.

Stockdale returned from Chicago last week. The warm weather is playing havoc amonjr farmers horses, some are already prostrated with the heat, and a more seri ous result is feared. This will be a great drawback to the already backward seed time. Our villagers are The roads are again free from snow, and are becoming passable. Ody bwift.

'Sit IMna, Robert Utica Observer. Elder Traverse, who la'ely died in But fain, old and bent and lull of years, was once the most noted man in eastern new Vrvrt us a camD-meetinsr leader, lie naa a powerful voice and was a fluent speaker, and in the prime of lifu could get away with any man who ever sought to disturb his meetinp-s. The elder was once holding a camp-meetincf at Yonkers, and word reached him that a notorious rough.known as "Chicago Bob," intended to be on hand Sunday for a row. lie made no rep'v and took no precautions, but when Bob appeared on the grounds with'a cigar in his mouth and a sluug-shot in his sleeve, the elder didn't grow pale worth a cent. Bob had come out there to run things, and he took a lorward seat.

When the crowd began to sing, he began crowing, and thus created confusion. "Robert you had better sit down ob served the elder, as he came forward. "Chicago Bob sits down lor no man i was the reply. "Sit down, Robert," continued theelder, es he put his hand on the loafer's arm. "Here goes to clean out the crowd!" crowed Bob, aa he pulled off his coat.

Next instant the elder hit him under the ear, and as he fell over a bench he was fol lowed up and nit again ana again, auu while in a semi-unconscious state he was earned off by his friends. Next day he was the hrst to come lor ward for prayers. The elder put his hand on his head and said: I "Robert, are you in earnest? "I am." "Are you really seeking for faith?" I "You bet I am It faith helps a man to tret in his work as quick as you did yester dav. I am bound to have it, if 1 have to sell my hat?" He didn't get it very strong, out lie aia no more crowing while the meeting lasted. I alary Anderson's Last Xodse.

Nym, Crinkle's Feuelleton: "By the way, the Mary Anderson's palace car which the eminent actress rides while fulfilling her engagements dropped out ot tbs newspaper paragraphs a week or two ajo and Mary became alarmed. 'You will have to put in some more sad her agent. 'Everything has been writtn up. The parlor organ, the type-wnter, tie sweet cottage bedstead, the upright piato, the easel at which you sit and paint whan the car is going through a town, the patmt wardrobe which exhibits your dresses to the admiring crowds have all been doie. We must have something new, 'buppose we get one of Mrs.

Lewis' new cook suggested Mary; 'and when there is a 3e-lay at a station I might be seen throierh the plate glass windows frying slapiatks and humming "The Cottage by the Sea besides I could roll my sleeves up." 'Cipi tal says the agent, -it shall be So now Mary cooks in her palace car Hiss Bernhardt, Kxpreanes an Opinion From the Philadelphia Times. "Then your Sunday, too; how wretched and lifeless You asked me a moment ago if I go to church. Of course I do. 1 don't set up for being pious, but I am not the sort of creature some of the ignoble Ameri can prints have painted me. I don't, as a matter ot fact encircle myself in a shroud and bestow myself in a rosewood cofhn, as you doubtless firmly believe.

I am not a monster of depravity. I haven't quatre vingt dix entants either more or less. think I may inform you within the bounds of decorum, and I think if our lives were compared tor any length ot time mine would stand out largely on the sifleofgood conduct with any oi tne so-called clergy men who advertuse their preposterous Ignorance, malevolence, and rhanseeism in taking my name into their godless pulpits and soiling it with their unmanly and unchristianlips. I loathe hypocrisy. I know the beatitudes and I strive to tollow them.

I strive to do and have the assurance that have dore good and not evil most of the days ot my liie. Let messieurs the ck-rgymen take testimony of their own hearts, and see if they can conscientiously ver the same." The ature of Sevarta. New York Sun. The question is asked along the Pacific coast, what ia to be the future of Nevada, it, as seems more than likely, the Corn-stock mines are wholly exhausted? The State has a population of scarcely 50,000, and offers few inducements to new settlers, especially if her mines are used up. Only a few patches and streaks of the land are fit for agriculture, and not much is good tor Btock raising.

Even the small population now possessed by the State is diminishing, many of the mmers about the Corn-stock migrating to California, Arizona and The expense of conducting a State government is very burdensome, and it is thought that a return to the condition of a territory will be considered an imperative necessity before long. Farmers asd Xleebanlrs. If you wish to avoid great danger and trouble, beside" a no small bill of expense, at this season of the year, you should take prompt steps to keep disease from your household. The system should be cleansed blood purified, stomach and bowels reou-' lated, and prevent and cure diseases arising from Spring malaria. We know of nothing that will so perfectly and surely do this as Electric Bitters, and i at the trifling cost of fifty cents a Sold by all druggists, a ys Flewers Hast ft'ade.

The brightest flowers must fade, but young lives endanperet, by severe coughs and colds, may be preserved by Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OiL Croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, in short, all affectiions in the throat and lungs are relieved by this sterling prepation, i which also remedies rheumatic pains, sores, bruises, piles, kidney difficulty, and is most economic. Use Anti-Morbific, the Kidney Remedy. ereat Liyet lull Protoxide of Iron. Peruvian ftmrlr .1 tna Pfina.

Fwloraed by the Medical Profession, ami re-corn. Fj-mal ill. Want or vital. trvmt Isirra a4 llireaie CskLUa suadi No, 213 North Uaia Street, St. Louis.

BOOKS and Fancy Stationary, special attention given to Itrails 1 1 Pmisili slraala uure.uu nascm me I was very dbu atarrn. rf. ii.n nAiiiivnruiuj. F.VF.IIENEY S.Co. Toledo, iDinina Cars for eating purposes only.

'eat feature or our i-aiace yara ra a SMOKINI "Havana" SALOON where you can enjoy your nil of IhA dflf. Magnificent Iron Brldpea span tho Mississippi Missouri rivers at all points crossed by this and transfers are avoided at Council BlutTs. Kacsas City, Ieavcnwortb. and Atchison, con nectiona being made in Union Depots- THIS PRINCIPAL It. K.

CONNRCTION3 OF this GiusA-T Tuiiocua Lisa AlUi A3 FOLLOWS: At Chicago, with all diverging lines for the and South. At EsoiivrooB, with the L. S. M. and W.

AC. R. Rds. At WABaiNtiTOK Heights, with C. A St.

It. R. AtLASALtH, with 111. Cent R.B.. PEoniA, with P.

P. D. I. 8. 4 lit.

and T. P. W. Rds. At Hock Island, with MilwaoSeo a Roc Island Short Line," and Roclt Isl'd A Pes.

Rds. At Davenport, with tho Davenport Division M. St. P. R.

It. At West, with C. R. a. B.B.

with Central Iowa R. R. At DBS MOLKK3, with 1).'.D.R.R. At Cocscti.

Bluffs, with Union Pacific R. R. At Omaha, with B. Mo. R.

K. R. In Neb.) AtCoLUMnrs R. A N. R.R.

At OrrnaiwA. with Central Iowalt.R. L. A and C. B.

R. Rds. At Keokou. with Peo. War.s St.

Louis St Pac. and St. Keo. R. lids.

At Cameron, with H. St. J. R. R.

At Atchison, with Atch-Topeka Santa Fe; Ateh. A Neb. and Cen. Br. U.

P. B. Rds. At MAVEHWoKia, with Kan. Pac and Ken-Cent.

R. Kds. At Kansas Crrr.tElth all lines for toe West Southwest. tbroneh to PEpKIA, T1FS MOIKEiS, ana LKAVIVUKXH "Great Stock. Aalaati Route.

euro aruld by a.anai.a. boaao ticket etBco, nddresa, ii ST. JOHN, Gen'I Ticket tua Patga'gr Apt, Street, Qniiiey, 111. Correspondence solicited, and ordera promptly -v i 20, $1 5 and 10 who Become Disabled by lossof Mercantile men. Professional men, Trav H.

WHITCOMB, Snot. Agency. I ERASTUS 1. A BKNriors, Attorney. DU.


IS THE GREAT CONSECTTSG LINK BETWEEN THE EAST THE WEST One other Its mam line runs irora uku wjui.u i n.naa TMoline. KoSk Island. Davenport, West Liberty, Iowa City.Marengo, Brooklyn. Grinnell. Dea Moines (the capital of Iowa), Stuart, Atlantic? and Avoca; with branches from Bureau Junction to Peoria; Wilton Junction toMusca- tine, Washington, Fan-Held.

Bldon. Belknap, Centrevllle, Princeton, Trenton. Gallatin, Came- ron. Leavenworth. Atchison, and Kansas City; Washington to Slgourney, Oskaloosa, and Knoi-vllle: Keokuk to Farmington, Bonaparte, Ben-ton sport.

Independent, Eldon, Ottumwa. Eddy-vllle Oskaloosa. Pella. Monroe, and Des Moines; Kewton to Monroe: Des Moines to Indianolaand Winterset: Atlantic to Lewis and Audubon; and Avoca to faarlan. This is positively tho only Railroad, which owns, and operates a through Throueh Express Passenger Trains, with Pull- one rrom vhilto-o uiC i nan Palace Oars attached, are run eacn way oany Sstween Chicago and Peoria, Kansas City, EOUSCIL BMTFF3.

LEAVENWORTH and ATCHI- son TbrouphcarsBrealsoranbet'veenMilwau-tee'and Kansas City, via the "Aiilwausee aaX Rock Island Short Line. The "(ireat Rock Island Is maeniaeentlr eouipped. Its road bed is simply perfect, and ita track is laid with steel rails. What will please you most will be the pleasure of enoyinir yoor meals, while passmff over tbe i beautiful prairies of Illinois and Iowa, In one of our magnificent Dining Cars that accompany all Throunh Express Trains. You get un entire meal, as stood as is served in any first-class hotel, forseventy-nve cents.

Appreciating tbe fact that a majority or tna oeoDle prefer separate apartments for dinerent ESrpoecs (and the immense passenger business of this line warrantinu it), we are pleased a-! nounce that this Company runs Pullman Jafac Cars forsloeoinn Durooses. and lalac T.TrE.X.aiAW PALACE CARS are, ran COV SCll. BLCfl'S, liAJSSASI x. t.i..: known aa the all Ticket Agent" la the linltetl auuw mm For Informal loa not obnublei at jaur li. CABLE, SCHLUETER i.

and line, East Ft. L. At W.t St. and MANUFACTURERS OF S20 anil 522 Maine Khow rasps on band and mado to order. tilled Prices as low as the ID) a IQD RELIEF ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA.


LOUIS, And all points Sod tit. 4 KANSAS CITY. Vfoi 'nth Southwest. dnn-ments oflered by this line 81,11 tourists, are as follows: The cale- SIiJ i. -a-el) Palace Sleeping cars, Palaee DraV.ln-.

ttoom can, with Horton rerliniiir rlmirn Noex- baSSra Htcel track end superior equipment with their great tbrouVh this, above all others, tbe favor Soath, Sonthweat, and the Far est: 10 Try it, and yoa wlU find traveling a lnxnrv tn stead of a discomfort. "unry m- Through ticket via this celebrated line for sale -J all offices in the United Mates and Canada. All Information about rates of fare, sleeoinpcar accommodations, time tables, Ac, will be cu lolly given by applying to iAA8R Chicago. 80 f.H. WRT, low.

Pava its Members WEEKLY BENEFITS of larg fr.rrirotj.rHon apainst pecuniary rU i men! and all persons whose time is money. It does business in many of tne states. written over applications and paid over bcnetfis. The moderate quarterly ex pense of from $3.00 to 81-03 will maintain a mi HOW. HENRY EGBERT, President.

JUDGE J. SCOTT KICHMAN, Vice Proe't. K. S. CARli Treasnrer.

B. WALES, Secretary..

The Morning Democrat from Davenport, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.