The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

FIRST GUN OF THE We are ready for the revival in business, and start the ball rolling. We make some special rgains for this week. Best Patent Flour $3.75 per barrel. Best Family Flour $2,60 per barrel. New Canned Tomatoes 98c per dozen.

New Canned Corn 87c per dozen. New Early June Peas per dozen. Laundry Soap 25 bars, 50 ib box of Lump Starch 1.9O. 3 Pail Cotteline 35c. The EUBBARD GROCERY CO.

124 Ash Street. THE POST OFFICE B. JAMISON. LEWIS G. DAVIS, Jamison Davis.

A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Prompt and exclus- sive attention givan to all legal business in- trusted to their care. Office opposite Third National Bauk. NORTH BOUND. No.

12 dally 1.15 2 except Sunday 7.20 a. 6 11.52 8 425 p. 14 10 exoeip-t Sunday 7 47 41 60 (Sunday only) 6,28 a. 62 9:07 p. SOUTHBOUND No.

7 daily 3.56 a. tf JQ daily except Sunday 7.03 a. IB 1 10.45 a. 5 2.02 p. ra 9 dnily 7.16 p.

61 (Sunday only) 8.50 a. CORY WINAKS, Passenger and Ticket Agent Citv Ticket Office. PIQ.UA, O. Handsomely Renovated Throughout. The Piqua Post Office is now in most excellent shape, having been revarnished and renovated throughout.

Having been painted a clear white on the inside, in the mailing department, it is much lighter than it has ever been before, and therefore better fitted for the work carried on there. It may be said here, too. that the work of the Office is the increase, so that the business for the five months since May 1 1894, has shown an increase of about 2t) per cent, over the period in 1893. Frank Shipley, the Ass't Postmaster, has fuUp charge of the Mailing Department and is proving himself to be a efficient officer. The Money ajifl Stamp Depart PlQUA, O.

October 2, 1894. ments, and General Delivery, ujader Teleptioue, 67. We are Agents for Brainerd Armstrong's CELEBRATED Pennsylvania Station. ennsylvania LjnesJ Trains run by Central Time except Sunday. L.EAVE PIQ.TJA.

KASTBOUND. Ro 10 for Col. Pittsburgh and East a. ra. No 6 for Col.

Pittsburgh East a No 46 for Col Uew-ark and Dennis on No 20 fer Col. Pittsburgh and East m. No 8 for Col. Pittsburgh and East p. Ferrates and other in formation apply C.

E.YAGER. Ticket Agent, Piqua WESTBOUND. No. 1 for Indianapolis audSt Louis ra. No 21 for IjOgansport and Chicago a.

m. No 45 for ind'lis Terre Haute a. No 7 for Bt Louis p. ra No 3 for LogaRSport and Chicago p. m.

Art i the careful charge of Misses 1 kirk and Ferman always give the "best of satisfaction, and so theen- tire office may be said to oe in ap- order in Post- congratulated in the fact that all goes on so well. All of which are put up on their new skein holder which insures against the threads becoming 1 snarled. Full line of colors in Filo, Bope, Roman and Twisted Embroidery. Ask for our Blue book- with instruction for Embroidering flowers. d.

BOYER Hotel Plaza Block. P. S. New goods of all kinds arriving daily. Another Aged Woman at Rest TO BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE NORTHERN PART OP THE CITY.

The Street Committee Recommend That Council Do Nothing in the Way of Street Improvements For the Present. Wilbur Hunger. 47 75 Babbitt 105 00 The bill of the Street Pay roU amounting to $273 25 was objected to by Mr Eankin and was laid over until the next regular meeting. Clerk McOolloch reported the following collections City Scales $18 12 Rent 4 00 Fines and Licenses 20 05 Adjourned. A PTJRS-S OF MONEY POST OFFICE TIME TABLE.

PIQUA, OHIO, April. 10,1898. ETANBAKD TIME, open from 6:30 a. m. to 6:30 p.

m. JsSLoney'Ojrderand. Regis-.) tor i Sunday, Stamp, General Delivery window from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. -Standard Time.

BCAIXiB ARRIVE AS STANDARD 7:50 a EQ Weat 8:47 East 11:07 1 "'South 11:57 "West, 3d. North lEust 8:34 pjnchfrotn Dayton and Olaicinnati 4:30 3Pooclir ftOTn arrives at a Troy 4.:30 Express jaauicli from 2d Div. at HTGET BCAILS. from West Sorath 1:27 am North 3:39 GLOSS! AS FOLIXSW8: 7:30 am East 8:20 Express Pouch for 3d DIv closes at 9:00 am GoingWest 10:40 North South West 3:10 East 12:15 and Cincinnati Ponoh 10:80 a impress Pouch forTrov closes at a Sidney pm K3CPKSE6S MAILS. Sxpress Pouch from Cincinnati and Dayton arrives 4:30 p.

m. Express Pouoh for Cincinnati and Dayton closes 10:30 a. m. Express Pouch for Cincinnati and Dayton closes 6:30 p. m.

Express Pouch for Chicago and Northwest 6:30 p. m. A Express Pouch for Sidney closes 4:10 p.m. i Express Pouch from Sidney arrives 11:00 i Express Pouch for Troy closes at a from arrives- at 4:30 J. W.SHIPLEY.P.

M. Buy your hard and soft coal of the Piqua Handle Co. Phone 26. Stevens the N.Wayne. 3-7-tf.

William Turk was in Sidney this morning. A Young was here from Columbus last evening. Knoop was over from Richmond last evening Will Leonard went to Muncie, Ind. this morning. Dr Parker went to Cincinnati on the morning train, Louis Vogt of Cincinnati passed last evening in this city.

M. Flesh started North on a business trip this morning. Bhie went to Dayton this on a business trip. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder "lost Perfect Made.

Attend the Millinery display of Allison, now in progress. Mrs A Orr and Mies Stella passed the day in Cincinnati. Frish of Middietown was up here on business last evening. Al Li Thoma went to this morning on a business trip. Place your order for winter coal and wood at Pierey's Drug Store.

For the finest oysters in the city go to Val Glaaer. 9 28-4L Hoyt of Toledo had business that called him here last evening. Don't fail to attend the Fall and Winter Millinery Display of L. M. Allison, Mrs Anne Bireley was born a Hagerstown, Md, July 9, 1811, and died in Piqua, Ohio.

September 25 1994:, aged 83 years, 2 months and 16 days. Her maiden name was Anna Boroser. She was marriad to David Birely July 31, to them were born eleven children. Hia death occurred August 4, 1873. Five sons and three daughters, thirty- five grandchildren, and twenty- three great-grand children are now living.

Since March SO, 1840, Mrs Bireley has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, having joined the Greene Street Church, Piqua, on that date. Her end was peace. FINED ONE DOLLAR For Allowing His Stock to Over Public Property. Run, Yesterday afternoon James Cathcart appeared in the Mayor's Court and had a warrant issued, charging Thompson with allowing bis stock to run over other peopled property. Officer Crampton served the warrant and when given a hearing before Mayor Keyt, he plead guilty.

A fine of one dollar and cost was imposed upon him for this offense. The will run one of their popular personally conducted excursions Piqua to Cin. and return Thursday, Oct. 4th tickets good returning on all regular trains on the 4th, 5th and 6th. For parties desiring special accomodation call at the City Ticket Office.

Fare $1.95 see bills and poster. CORY WINANS, Smokeless Coal equal to liarti, and much cheaper, Stiens Smith. Tel. 2. William A Snyder went to Connersville this morning on a business trip.

Mrs Col Orr and Mrs Barber went to Lima on the morning train. Don't fail see the at Schetter Althoff's tomorrow and tomorrow night. Postmaster Shipley went to Springfield this morning to attend a session of the District Stewards of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Resolutions of Respect. in his wisdom has removed from this Union our honored Treasurer, Miss Ella Thomas, we bow in humble submission knowing He doetb all things well and that in His infinite love and mercy can not err.

That as a Union we desire to record oar sorrow and our sense of personal bereavement at the death oTour honored friend and helper. To those who were associated with her in the more intimate circles of Christian intercourse, and especially to the members of her bereaved family we extend our cordial sym-. pathy. That a copy of these resolutions be published in the city papers and recorded in the minutes of the Local Christian Endeavor Uaion. SAKA MOBLEY HATTIE WOODRUFF In regular session the City Coun- il was assembled last evening.

The aembers present were Bowman, (Chamberlain, Cron, Hicks, Mein- Nicklin, Orr, Prugh and tR-an- kin. most important item of business transacted by this body was passage, without a dissenting voice, of the resolution, as submitted by Solicitor Jones authorizing the construction of a sewer in the alley between Broadway and Caldwell streets, from North street to Camp and thence eapt to connect with the Downing street sewer, which now under contract. The resolution provides that the city shall advertise for bids, for the performance of this work. The street committee recom- manded that the grading and graveling of River street from Downing street to Broadway be laid over until Spring, when the City Engineer would be better prepared to give the proper grade. The report of the committee was adopted.

The eame committee reported in favor of dropping for the present, the opening of Miami street to Gordon street, as a house and lot would have to be pnrchaaed if such an improvement was made. The report was adopted. The street committee lied the attention of Council to the lot at the corner of College and Boone streets, which extends about twenty feet beyond the line of the other lots This lot is owned by Mr Cruse and as the ground has never been dedicated, the committee recommended that the city put down the curb and gutter for him, provided he woulc dedicate the ground and lay a pave ment. As it was not known whether or not Mr Cruse would accep this proposition, the matter was left. in the hands of the Committee.

The Water Works committee reported Progress regarding the extension of the water mains on Washington Avenue and various other places in the city. The street committee requested that longer time be granted them, in whicii to consider the widening of an alley, running north and south in the Essie addition. The Eailroad committee as yet has been unable to ascertain who should bear the expense of placing a watchoaan at the Wood street crossing of the Railroad and in consequence reported Progress. Mr Rankin recommended that -committee on paying and sewerage be given the power to arrange with the Engineers and their assistants regarding the price to be paid for their labor. A motion to thii effect was made which was carried Mr Babbitt has been receiving $700 per day and Mr Whitlock $4.50 per day for their work, while their assistants have been receiving $2 00 per day.

The following is the list of the bills passed and ordered paid: Fire Department $223 75 Jas. Ward Key Salary 10000 Presented to Jacob Barr "by the Stove Works Employes. It Is Pleasure vv To tell nrhat Hood'f Saruparffla has done 1 ci I WM troubled with neuralgia in my stem, ach and with dizziiMM andiliortneM of breath, also kidney and Inward weakness. I wanted something that would be so my husband thought best that I try Hood's Saraaparffla. Before I had used one-half bottle I ielt like a new person, and I am glad that I can say today that I hare not had a bad spell since I commenced to take c.

TrTtliinKer, Hood's Sartaparilla. Fairburg, Hi. Formerly my health was so poor that I was not able to do my housework. Now I am perfectly well and hearty. Jacob Barr an employe of the Favorite Stove and Range Company, has been unable to work for he past four weeks, on account of ickness in his family.

His wife and three children who reside on Cleveland street have been confined for nearly six weeks with typhoid fever and they being a critical condition, he has given them his undivided attention. His fellow workmen realizing that he was at a great expense and without anything coming in, they very thoughtfully mane up a purse of money and presented H. to him. Mr. Barr appreciates their kind act very much and desires to express his gratitude to them, hoping that a like affliction may never fall upon them.

Hood's A M. THE PAVHSTG- I owe all the praise to Hood's Sarsaparilla. SUEULH a TlttTD- I.IKGZK, Fairburg, I1L N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa- rllla do not be Induced to buy any other.

Hood's Pills should be in your home. re a reliable family cathartic, box. Of Main Street With Brick to "be Commenced "Wednesday, The sewer work on the square south of the Miami and Erie canal has been completed and that portion of Main street has been turned over to the paving contracto-s. Gantz and Sullivan expect to have a gang of men on the ground tomorrow morning to commence the work of paving, The Malvern Blocks with which this street is to be paved have been piled on the sidewalk and will be easy to obtain as they are wanted. The refuse dirt from the street will be placed on the river levee in the first ward, until the sewer con- tactors get a portion of the Mill race in, when the dirt will be used or filling up that trench.

The contractors are desirous of making as rapid progress on the sewer work as possible. Com. That Joyful Feeling, With the exhilarating sense of renewed health and strength and internal cleanliness, which follows the use of Syrup of Figs, is unknown to the few who have not progressed beyond the old time medicines and the cheap substitutes sometimes offered but never accepted by the well informed. 9.9..1? DRAKE'S NEWS STAND For Cincinnati Enquirer, Magazines and Novels Park Cigar Store FINE HAVANA CIGARS, Tobaccos and Smoker's Articles. H.

DETTMAN. Prop'r. 17 Alexander Post. The Souvenir Books showing tha city of Pittsburg and the National Encampment will be issued to members at the Camp Fire Friday night at Alexander Post Hall. Every member should be there to secure one.

Jones Ed Mason Crampton Paulding John Adams John Shannon Machir Geo Wilson Perry Thompson HE Whitlock Seth McColloch Davis WORK COMMENCES On. th.e Construction of tlie Sewer in. the Mill Race. A gang of men are now at work on the sewer to be constructed in the old Mill Race in the first ward, they having commenced digging yesterday. This work which was begun at the south end of.

the race, will be pushed through by the contractors Walker Robison, as fast as possi-' ble in order that the extra dirt, re moved from Main Street during the piving, may be used in filling up the trench. The contractors will employ a sufficient number of bricklayers to enable them to complete ninety feet of the sewer each day. Rose Catarrh Cure quickly relieves all catarrhal troubles. Take no other. GUARANTEED TO BE PURE OHIO ure Cream Tartar Baking: kFor sale by all Grocers, DAIBY AND FOOD COMMISSION, COLUMBUS, March 21,1894.

Powder." i H. A. WEBER, Chemist. FOR of 8 rooms on in Huntersville, Inquire Dr. Coffeen 321 Downing.

9-29-3t Talmage made a business trip this morning to Sidney in the inter- Bit of the Piqua Wagon Works. Chief Ed Mason went to Sidney this morning as a witness before the Grand Jury in the case of Edward Shoemaker whom he arrested here several weeks ago on the charge of Burglary. 76 50 125 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 50 00 20 00 12 50 2000 1250 50 00 1 00 Orr 120 05 Fleming IS 60 Luce 2 40 Int. on Time Orders 327 00 Wiley 3 50 Electric Light Co 87L 00 Favorite Stove WorKS 83 33 Chaa Shepherd 3 50 American Express 25 Graef Rros 5 00 Mitchell Co 360 G- Giles 4 OX) Washing for Fire Dept 300 Spencer Co 382 Levering 3 50 4000 Angle 6 87 Cornelius Callahan Co 1200 Dr Prince 5000 Miami Post 15 65 Sawyer 75 00 Statler Co 5325 Oblinger 1 50 Daily Leader 1910 Daily CALL 28 60 James Hicks 21 80 Snyder Sou Co 90 EWhitlock 108 00 Downs 1000 Lewis A Cuater 4000 Of at Any Time. Dispensary Physician (writing out yon are to take this medicine three times a day after meals.

Poor it is only a very rare thing when I get a meal, doctor. The in that case you bad better take it before Ro Doubt About It. Mrs. Bingo (anxiously) Do yon think, dear, while we are away that the house watchman yon hired will keep awake nights? bet he will. I.have jnst given him one of those nightshirts you made for and Furnisher.

The Absent Rival. "Everybody speaks of him as arising young man," said the young woman. replied the young man. 'You see, he never loses a chance to get up and give a lady a seat in a horse Washington Star. Awarded Highest Id's Fair.

CREAM BAKING A NON-PAYING BUSINESS is often rriade a profitable one by judicious advertls ing. To do this the mer- chant should pay the same attention in buying his space that he does in ing his stock. Some deal ers may want a shoddj articie but the successfr merchant wants the best goods obtainable- THE CALL Is all that it claims to be, and does not make any claims that it can nor sub stantiate. It is the oldest daily paper in Miami County. It spends more money each month for wire news and special features than all the other daily papers in the county spend in a year.

For this reason it has twice as ma- ny readers, and its circu- lation is not estimated, but guaranteed. To the business maa who has the inclination to examine, the all will take MOST PERFECT MADE. pure Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant YEARS THE STANDARD. the number of citizens who are constantly Its patrons..

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.